Sony and Tencent take big stake in FromSoftware


It’s been revealed in filings that both Sony and Tencent have thrown a substantial amount of cash at FromSoftware.

According to the documents, Tencent has acquired 16.25% and Sony 14.09% of FromSoftware’s shares giving both companies a 30% stake in the Elden Ring developer.

Both companies appear to have jumped in to help FromSoftware develop new IPs and expand on existing ones such as Elden Ring which has proved a massive hit this year for the developer.

Gamers will be interested to see what happens now with Sony having a large stake in the company. Are we going to see new titles end up as exclusives, for at least a time, or will things remain unchanged?

This new relations ship is definitely one to watch to see how it shapes FromSoftware moving forwards. The full document can be read here.

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