Hidetaka Miyazaki interview on Playstation Blog

Elden Ring

Updates are coming thick and fast at the moment and today the Playstation Blog has a new Elden Ring interview with Hidetaka Miyazaki.

The interview is worth a read even if there’s no real new information in it, What we do now know is that one of the starting classes will be the Wretch. Miyazaki adds, “but I would recommend against choosing the naked one (known as the Wretch). As before, it’s probably the most difficult starting class!”

Here’s a snip from the interview:

What were your biggest lessons learned in making a sprawling open world game?

There were two major challenges we faced developing Elden Ring. The first was expanding upon the level of freedom. More so than our previous games, Elden Ring has a vast world with an open overworld, so we were faced with the ordeal of how we maintain our gameplay style while offering a renewed sense of openness. So with elements like balancing the player’s exploration alongside boss fights,theorder of progression that players go through the game, and the progression of the events themselves throughout the map–trying to expand on player freedom while balancing all of this was a significant challenge. But we learned many great lessons attempting to achieve this.

Check out the full interview.


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