Elden Ring previews drop

Elden Ring Previews

As is usually the case prior to release, some gaming outlets have had six hours to romp around in a build of the game and posted their Elden Ring previews. This is likely the same or similar build used for the recent GI preview.

Here’s a rundown of where you can read all the Elden Ring goodness. Be warned, there may be spoilers in some of these so stay away from these if you want to stay in the dark. That said, much of the information has already been revealed in the GI preview.

It’s worth noting that video previews will feature new B-roll footage but not gameplay from the actual person taking part in the preview session. It’s a bit of a shame but it’s to be expected.

Elden Ring Previews List

If more of these pop up in the coming hours we’ll add them to this list.

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