Elden Ring PC Patch 1.02.3 Released – Updated

Elden Ring PC Patch

An Elden Ring patch has dropped weighing in at 13Mb so it’s not a big one. As expected the patch notes are pretty vague but perhaps this one will sort out some of the performance issues.

Elden Ring PC Patch 1.02.2 Notes

  • Fixed an issue where the graphics card was not being used, resulting in slow performance.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the game to quit under certain conditions during a battle with the Fire Giant.
  • Fixed other bugs.

What those other bugs are anyone’s guess but bug fixing is always good. The PC performance has not been great from what I have seen on the PC here. It’s not terrible but could be better so with any luck we’ll see less of that stuttering and increased framerates.


A small patch to fix the following has been released taking the game to 1.02.3 on the PC.

  • Fixed a problem in which controllers connected to the PC were not recognized under certain circumstances
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