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Ruler’s Mask

Ruler’s Mask Information

Stone mask of Rya, servant to the Volcano Manor

Mask in the image of a wizened sage. Customary dress among lords in a smaller nation. Increases faith. Such a mask illustrates the qualities of an ideal lord: chiefly, wise and possessing a certain defanged geniality. One at the center of society often finds these qualities most expedient.
Ruler’s Mask

Ruler’s Mask Stats



Slot: Head
Weight: 2.2
Sell Price: 500
Sell Price: 500
Poise: 3




Immunity: 20
Robustness: 10
Focus: 33
Death: 33

Damage Negation



Physical: 1.8
VS Strike: 2.3
VS Slash 2.3
VS Pierce: 1.4
Magic: 4.6
Fire: 4.4
Lightning: 4.6
Holy: 4.7

Ruler’s Mask Location

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