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Royal Remains Gauntlets

Royal Remains Gauntlets Information

Gauntlets that mediate via body of famed ancestor

Gauntlets graced with gold human bones. Worn by the unspeaking adherent of Sir Gideon the All-Knowing. Slowly replenishes HP when HP is reduced. It is said that the bones belong to an ancient lord―the soulless king. The lord of the lost and desperate, who was known as Ensha.
Royal Remains Gauntlets

Royal Remains Gauntlets Stats



Slot: Arm
Weight: 3.5
Sell Price: 500
Sell Price: 500
Poise: 4




Immunity: 12
Robustness: 19
Focus: 8
Death: 4

Damage Negation



Physical: 2.9
VS Strike: 2.8
VS Slash 3.2
VS Pierce: 2.9
Magic: 2.3
Fire: 2.5
Lightning: 1.9
Holy: 2.1

Royal Remains Gauntlets Location

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