Redmane Knight Armor (Altered)

Redmane Knight Armor (Altered) Information

Armor used by Elite Caelid Wilds Knights

Armor worn by knights who fought by General Radahn's side.

When they were driven to defeat by Malenia's scarlet rot, the Redmane Knights burned the crest on the left breast of their armor to indicate their resolve.

"Alas, dear home, I shan't see you again! For our duty is to remain here, a bulwark against the blight."
Redmane Knight Armor (Altered)

Redmane Knight Armor (Altered) Stats



Slot: Body
Weight: 10.8
Sell Price: 200
Sell Price: 200
Poise: 24




Immunity: 32
Robustness: 50
Focus: 21
Death: 21

Damage Negation



Physical: 13.1
VS Strike: 11
VS Slash 13.1
VS Pierce: 12
Magic: 10.5
Fire: 12.4
Lightning: 9.1
Holy: 10.5

Redmane Knight Armor (Altered) Location

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