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Mausoleum Knight Armor

Mausoleum Knight Armor Information

Armor used by Elite Mausoleum Knights

Armor worn by headless knights who endlessly guard the Wandering Mausoleum. The wing-shaped ornaments on its back evoke the Deathbird. A self-inflicted curse that ties the spirits of these loyal knights to the land, having willingly beheaded themselves so that they may serve their masters in death.
Mausoleum Knight Armor

Mausoleum Knight Armor Stats



Slot: Body
Weight: 11.8
Sell Price: 200
Sell Price: 200
Poise: 25




Immunity: 35
Robustness: 55
Focus: 24
Death: 23

Damage Negation



Physical: 13.5
VS Strike: 11.4
VS Slash 14.6
VS Pierce: 12.9
Magic: 10.9
Fire: 11.4
Lightning: 10.2
Holy: 11.4

Mausoleum Knight Armor Location

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