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Marionette Soldier Armor

Marionette Soldier Armor Information

Armor of lattice plate worn by marionette soldiers

Armor of metal bands arranged in a lattice. Worn by marionette soldiers, crafted to serve the sorcerers. The construction of this armor is remarkably crude, now rusted over and severely dented. For a doll, the only thing that matters is that it does not break.
Marionette Soldier Armor

Marionette Soldier Armor Stats



Slot: Body
Weight: 8.8
Sell Price: 100
Sell Price: 100
Poise: 18




Immunity: 24
Robustness: 50
Focus: 21
Death: 18

Damage Negation



Physical: 11.9
VS Strike: 8.8
VS Slash 13.5
VS Pierce: 8.8
Magic: 8.8
Fire: 8.8
Lightning: 6.7
Holy: 8.8

Marionette Soldier Armor Location

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