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Fire Prelate Armor

Fire Prelate Armor Information

Fire Prelate armor adorned with a red cloth

Black iron armor adorned with a red cloth. Attire of the Fire Prelates, commanders of the Fire Monks. The weighty frames of the Prelates symbolized the onus of their grave vows as guardians of the flame. "Etch this sight upon thine breast. Of my thunderous gravity."
Fire Prelate Armor

Fire Prelate Armor Stats



Slot: Body
Weight: 24.7
Sell Price: 500
Sell Price: 500
Poise: 45




Immunity: 67
Robustness: 63
Focus: 90
Death: 50

Damage Negation



Physical: 19.2
VS Strike: 17.0
VS Slash 18.3
VS Pierce: 18.3
Magic: 13.5
Fire: 19.8
Lightning: 13.0
Holy: 13.3

Fire Prelate Armor Location

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