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Deathbed Dress

Deathbed Dress Information

Dress worn by Phia, the Deathbed Companion

Extremely thin and sheer white dress worn by the Deathbed Companion as she embraces the dead. Slowly replenishes the HP of nearby allies, but not that of the wearer. The touch of the fabric is exceedingly soft, so as not to harm even the most withered corpse, while still sharing her warmth.
Deathbed Dress

Deathbed Dress Stats



Slot: Body
Weight: 3.2
Sell Price: 500
Sell Price: 500
Poise: 5




Immunity: 38
Robustness: 11
Focus: 63
Death: 107

Damage Negation



Physical: 0.6
VS Strike: 2.7
VS Slash 0.6
VS Pierce: 0.6
Magic: 11.9
Fire: 11.4
Lightning: 11.9
Holy: 12.4

Deathbed Dress Location

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