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Crucible Gauntlets

Crucible Gauntlets Information

Gauntlets used by the Crucible Knights

Gauntlets of the Crucible Knights who served Godfrey, the first Elden Lord. Hold the power of the crucible of life, the primordial form of the Erdtree. Strengthen Aspects of the Crucible incantations. In time, the strength shown by these knights, and even their appearance, was seen as chaotic and deserving of scorn.
Crucible Gauntlets

Crucible Gauntlets Stats



Slot: Arm
Weight: 5.2
Sell Price: 1000
Sell Price: 1000
Poise: 7




Immunity: 17
Robustness: 24
Focus: 12
Death: 12

Damage Negation



Physical: 4.4
VS Strike: 3.4
VS Slash 4.2
VS Pierce: 4.2
Magic: 3.2
Fire: 3.2
Lightning: 2.8
Holy: 3.3

Crucible Gauntlets Location

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