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Corhyn’s Robe

Corhyn’s Robe Information

Robe of the exiled prophets

Robe of Corhyn the cleric. Even after exile, Corhyn refused to recant his prophecies. And for this, he was blessed with the guidance of grace. Since then, the cart wheel draped on his neck has served as a reminder. That true guidance awaits those with iron wills. Those with unwavering faith.
Corhyn’s Robe

Corhyn’s Robe Stats



Slot: Body
Weight: 6.3
Sell Price: 100
Sell Price: 100
Poise: 10




Immunity: 46
Robustness: 24
Focus: 107
Death: 76

Damage Negation



Physical: 6.1
VS Strike: 6.7
VS Slash 6.7
VS Pierce: 6.1
Magic: 13.3
Fire: 12.8
Lightning: 12.8
Holy: 13.5

Corhyn’s Robe Location

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