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Bloodhound Knight Helm

Bloodhound Knight Helm Information

Beast-like helm of the Bloodhound Knights

Metal helm with a pointed beak. Worn by the Bloodhound Knights. The Bloodhound Knights are trained as hunters and known to be unshakable trackers. Without the use of language, each knight chooses his own master. Once the decision has been made, the knight stays loyal for life.
Bloodhound Knight Helm

Bloodhound Knight Helm Stats



Slot: Head
Weight: 4.6
Sell Price: 1000
Sell Price: 1000
Poise: 6




Immunity: 14
Robustness: 22
Focus: 10
Death: 10

Damage Negation



Physical: 4.4
VS Strike: 4.0
VS Slash 5.0
VS Pierce: 4.8
Magic: 3.4
Fire: 3.6
Lightning: 2.5
Holy: 3.6

Bloodhound Knight Helm Location

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