Azur’s Glintstone Crown

Azur’s Glintstone Crown Information

Blue transparent crown of a Crystal Sorcerer

Crown of Azur, primeval current sorcerer, set with a prominent blue-green glintstone.

This crown replaced Azur's brain and skull altogether, and now, removed from his body, it is all but dead. What power remains within raises the potency of Azur's primeval current sorceries at the cost of additional FP consumption.
Azur’s Glintstone Crown

Azur’s Glintstone Crown Stats



Slot: Head
Weight: 3.6
Sell Price: 1000
Sell Price: 1000
Poise: 4




Immunity: 23
Robustness: 14
Focus: 44
Death: 44

Damage Negation



Physical: 2.8
VS Strike: 2.3
VS Slash 2.5
VS Pierce: 2.5
Magic: 5.8
Fire: 4.6
Lightning: 4.7
Holy: 5

Azur’s Glintstone Crown Location

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