Gatekeeper Gostoc

Gatekeeper Gostoc

Gatekeeper Gostoc Details

Location Stormveil Castle - Gatekeeper Gostoc
View Location on The Lands Between Map

Other Locations


Marionette Soldier Birdhelm


Cuckoo Glintstone


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Noble’s Slender Sword


Aristocrat Garb (Altered)


Aristocrat Boots


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Noble’s Estoc


Aristocrat Hat


Aristocrat Coat


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Glintstone Staff


Aristocrat Headband


Aristocrat Garb


Aristocrat Boots


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Aristocrat Garb (Altered)


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Pumpkin Helm


Smithing Stone [2]


Sanctuary Stone


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Raw Meat Dumpling


Living Jar Shard


Academy Glintstone Staff


Raya Lucarian Robe


Sorcerer Manchettes


Sorcerer Leggings


Academy Glintstone Staff


Raya Lucarian Robe


Sorcerer Manchettes


Sorcerer Leggings


Stone Club


Somber Smithing Stone [1]


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Golden Rune [1]


Rune Arc


Golden Rune [1]


Rune Arc


Serpent Arrow x5


Toxic Mushroom


Serpent Arrow x5


Toxic Mushroom


Serpent Arrow x5


Toxic Mushroom


Formic Rock


Formic Rock


Gravity Stone Fan


Gravity Stone Chunk


Poisonbloom x5


Miranda Powder




Miranda Powder


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Glintstone Firefly


[Sorcery] Gravity Well






Academy Glintstone Staff


Raya Lucarian Robe


Sorcerer Manchettes


Sorcerer Leggings


Academy Glintstone Staff


Raya Lucarian Robe


Sorcerer Manchettes


Sorcerer Leggings


Lazuli Glintstone Sword


Lazuli Robe


Academy Glintstone Staff


Raya Lucarian Robe


Sorcerer Manchettes


Sorcerer Leggings


Academy Glintstone Staff


Raya Lucarian Robe


Sorcerer Manchettes


Sorcerer Leggings


Perfumer’s Bolt x5


High Page Hood


High Page Clothes


Page Trousers


Red Branch Shortbow




Marionette Soldier Helm


Marionette Soldier Armor


Cuckoo Glintstone


Arrow x5


Marionette Soldier Helm


Marionette Soldier Armor


Cuckoo Glintstone


Spiked Spear


Marionette Soldier Helm


Marionette Soldier Armor


Cuckoo Glintstone


Silver Tear Husk


Gravel Stone


Silver Tear Husk


Silver Tear Husk


Larval Tear


Silver Tear Husk


Larval Tear


Silver Tear Husk


Larval Tear


Jawbone Axe


Fur Raiment


Fur Leggings


Dwelling Arrow x5


Great Horned Headband


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Immunizing Horn Charm +1


Alabaster Lord’s Sword


Clayman’s Harpoon


Silver Firefly


Clayman’s Harpoon


Silver Firefly


Silver Firefly


Silver Firefly


Silver Firefly


Silver Firefly


Pest’s Glaive


Faded Erdleaf Flower


Aeonian Butterfly


Serpent Arrow x5


Aeonian Butterfly


Formic Rock


Formic Rock


Formic Rock


Formic Rock




Brass Shield


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]




Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]


Smithing Stone [5]


Pumpkin Helm


Smithing Stone [4]


Sanctuary Stone




Golden Greatshield


Leyndell Knight Helm


Leyndell Knight Armor


Leyndell Knight Gauntlets


Leyndell Knight Greaves


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver




Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard






Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard


Bolt x5


Soldier’s Crossbow


Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard


Bolt x5


Omen Cleaver


Warped Axe


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Grave Glovewort [4]


Grave Glovewort [5]


Grave Glovewort [6]


Turtle Neck Meat


Strip of White Flesh


Nox Monk Hood


Nox Monk Armor


Nox Monk Bracelets


Nox Monk Greaves


Nox Swordstress Crown


Nox Swordstress Armor


Nox Monk Bracelets


Nox Monk Greaves


Night Maiden Twin Crown


Night Maiden Armor


Nox Monk Bracelets


Nox Monk Greaves


Silver Tear Husk


Silver Tear Husk


Silver Tear Husk


Silver Tear Husk


Golden Rune [7]






Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Spiked Club




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Great Knife




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Bloodstained Dagger




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Aristocrat Garb (Altered)


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Short Sword


Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard






Heavy Crossbow


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]


Strip of White Flesh


Sacramental Bud


Ruin Fragment


Beast Blood


Sacramental Bud


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Glass Shard


Thin Beast Bones


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones x6


Hefty Beast Bone x6


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Sacrificial Twig


Lump of Flesh


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Old Fang


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Omen Cleaver


Warped Axe


Noble’s Slender Sword


Aristocrat Garb (Altered)


Aristocrat Boots


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Glintstone Staff


Aristocrat Headband


Aristocrat Garb


Aristocrat Boots


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Thin Beast Bones


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Golden Rune [10]


Aristocrat Garb (Altered)


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Heavy Crossbow


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [3]


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5


Pumpkin Helm


Smithing Stone [4]


Sanctuary Stone




Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard


Bolt x5


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Sacrificial Twig


Lump of Flesh


Hefty Beast Bone


Old Fang


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Misbegotten Shortbow


Old Fang


Misbegotten Shortbow


Old Fang


Vulgar Militia Saw


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5


Vulgar Militia Shotel


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5


Ruin Fragment


Sanctuary Stone


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Sacramental Bud


Octopus Head


Land Octopus Ovary


Strip of White Flesh




Rickety Shield




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone








Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Cat)


Smithing Stone [5]




Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Noble’s Estoc


Aristocrat Hat


Aristocrat Coat


Golden Sunflower




Erdleaf Flower


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Slumbering Egg


Old Aristocrat Cowl


Old Aristocrat Gown


Old Aristocrat Shoes


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Golden Rune [10]


Chainlink Flail


Pumpkin Helm


Smithing Stone [4]


Sanctuary Stone




Golden Greatshield


Leyndell Knight Helm


Leyndell Knight Armor


Leyndell Knight Gauntlets


Leyndell Knight Greaves


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn




Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn




Poisonbloom x5


Miranda Powder




Miranda Powder




Miranda Powder


Miquella’s Lily




Miranda Powder


Omenkiller Robe


Omenkiller Long Gloves


Omenkiller Boots


Flight Pinion


Four-Toed Fowl Foot


Gravity Stone Fan


Gravity Stone Chunk


Toxic Mushroom


Toxic Mushroom


Depraved Perfumer Headscarf


Depraved Perfumer Robe


Depraved Perfumer Gloves


Depraved Perfumer Trousers


Budding Cave Moss x5


Altus Bloom x5


Miranda Powder x3


Depraved Perfumer Headscarf


Depraved Perfumer Robe


Depraved Perfumer Gloves


Depraved Perfumer Trousers


Budding Cave Moss x5


Perfumer’s Shield


Altus Bloom x5


Miranda Powder x3


Page Hood


Page Garb


Page Trousers


Perfumer’s Bolt x5


Red Branch Shortbow


Cleanrot Knight’s Sword


Cleanrot Helm


Cleanrot Armor


Cleanrot Gauntlets


Cleanrot Greaves


Cleanrot Spear


Trina’s Lily


Halo Scythe


Cleanrot Knight’s Sword


Cleanrot Helm


Cleanrot Armor


Cleanrot Gauntlets


Cleanrot Greaves


Trina’s Lily


Grave Violet


Grave Violet


Sacrificial Twig


Ghost Glovewort [4]


Sacrificial Twig


Ghost Glovewort [4]


Strip of White Flesh


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Noble’s Slender Sword


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Noble’s Estoc


Aristocrat Hat


Aristocrat Coat


Golden Sunflower




Erdleaf Flower


Glintstone Staff


Aristocrat Headband


Aristocrat Garb


Aristocrat Boots


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Poisonbloom x5


Miranda Powder




Miranda Powder


Bandit’s Curved Sword


Human Bone Shard


Bandit’s Curved Sword


Great Dragonfly Head


Guardian’s Swordspear


Guardian Mask


Guardian Garb


Guardian Bracers


Guardian Greaves


Tarnished Golden Sunflower


Celebrant’s Cleaver


Festive Garb (Altered)


Human Bone Shard


Golden Rune [3]


Festive Hood


Festive Garb (Altered)


Human Bone Shard


Golden Rune [3]


Festive Hood


Festive Garb


Human Bone Shard


Golden Rune [3]


Celebrant’s Rib-Rake


Festive Garb


Human Bone Shard


Golden Rune [3]


Stone Club


Somber Smithing Stone [3]


Somber Smithing Stone [4]


Haima Glintstone Crown


Battlemage Robe


Battlemage Manchettes


Battlemage Legwraps


Golden Rune [1]


Rune Arc


Golden Rune [3]


Rune Arc


Great Dragonfly Head


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]


Knight’s Greatsword




Leyndell Knight Helm


Leyndell Knight Armor


Leyndell Knight Gauntlets


Leyndell Knight Greaves


Great Arrow x5




Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard


Bolt x5


Lump of Flesh


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Budding Horn




Thin Beast Bones


Celebrant’s Sickle


Blue Festive Hood


Blue Festive Garb


Human Bone Shard


Golden Rune [3]


Melted Mushroom




Human Bone Shard


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Lump of Flesh


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Raw Meat Dumpling


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Raw Meat Dumpling


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Raw Meat Dumpling


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Raw Meat Dumpling


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Omen Cleaver




Scripture Wooden Shield


Human Bone Shard


Smoldering Butterfly






Human Bone Shard




Human Bone Shard




Human Bone Shard


Arrow x5


Marionette Soldier Birdhelm


Cuckoo Glintstone


Glintstone Firefly


Digger’s Staff


Somber Smithing Stone [4]


Somber Smithing Stone [5]


Glintstone Scrap


Large Glintstone Scrap


Digger’s Staff


Glintstone Scrap


Large Glintstone Scrap


Somber Smithing Stone [4]


Somber Smithing Stone [5]


Glintstone Scrap


Large Glintstone Scrap


Human Bone Shard


Human Bone Shard


Bolt x5


Grave Scythe


Human Bone Shard


Sun Realm Shield


Human Bone Shard


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh




Scripture Wooden Shield


Human Bone Shard


Smoldering Butterfly






Human Bone Shard




Human Bone Shard




Human Bone Shard


Arrow x5


Human Bone Shard


Smoldering Butterfly




Glass Shard


Human Bone Shard


Grave Violet


Weathered Straight Sword


Glass Shard


Yellow Ember


Glass Shard


Yellow Ember


Short Sword


Foot Soldier Helmet


Foot Soldier Tabard


Bolt x5


Troll Knight’s Sword


Smithing Stone [3]


Smoldering Butterfly x5


Fire Blossom x3


Great Dragonfly Head


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Cat)


Smithing Stone [5]


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Fanged)


Glintstone Firefly


Smithing Stone [5]


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Fanged)




Smithing Stone [5]


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Long-Tongued)


Smithing Stone [5]


Forked Greatsword


Imp Head (Wolf)


Smithing Stone [5]


Grave Scythe


Human Bone Shard


Sun Realm Shield


Human Bone Shard


Bandit’s Curved Sword


Human Bone Shard


Bandit’s Curved Sword


Stone Club


Somber Smithing Stone [3]


Somber Smithing Stone [4]


Flight Pinion


Four-Toed Fowl Foot


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Ruin Fragment


Sanctuary Stone


Volcanic Stone


Smithing Stone [3]


Smoldering Butterfly x5


Fire Blossom x3


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Golem Greatbow


Great Arrow x5


Golem’s Magic Arrow x5


Smithing Stone [4]


Flight Pinion


Four-Toed Fowl Foot


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Banished Knight’s Greatsword


Banished Knight’s Shield


Banished Knight Helm


Banished Knight Armor (Altered)


Banished Knight Gauntlets


Banished Knight Greaves


Cleanrot Knight’s Sword


Cleanrot Helm


Cleanrot Armor


Cleanrot Gauntlets


Cleanrot Greaves


Cleanrot Spear


Great Dragonfly Head


Golden Rune [7]




Strip of White Flesh




Foot Soldier Helm


Scarlet Tabard


Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [3]


Smoldering Butterfly x5


Fire Blossom x3


Short Spear


Foot Soldier Helm


Scarlet Tabard


Toxic Mushroom


Toxic Mushroom


Toxic Mushroom


Smithing Stone [3]


Smoldering Butterfly x5


Fire Blossom x3


Smithing Stone [3]


Smoldering Butterfly x5


Fire Blossom x3


Great Dragonfly Head


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Heavy Crossbow


Radahn Soldier Helm


Redmane Surcoat


Radahn Soldier Gauntlets


Radahn Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smoldering Butterfly




Brass Shield


Radahn Soldier Helm


Redmane Surcoat


Radahn Soldier Gauntlets


Radahn Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smoldering Butterfly




Knight’s Greatsword


Redmane Greatshield


Redmane Knight Helm


Redmane Knight Armor


Redmane Knight Gauntlets


Redmane Knight Greaves




Smithing Stone [4]


Smithing Stone [3]


Smoldering Butterfly x5


Fire Blossom x3


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Golden Rune [5]


Turtle Neck Meat


Strip of White Flesh


Executioner’s Greataxe


Human Bone Shard




Human Bone Shard


Silver Tear Husk


Human Bone Shard


Bolt x5


Foot Soldier Helm


Scarlet Tabard


Smoldering Butterfly




Rickety Shield




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone








Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone








Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Golden Rune [3]


Golden Rune [4]


Golden Rune [5]


Golden Rune [3]


Golden Rune [4]


Golden Rune [5]


Golden Rune [9]


Golden Rune [9]


Golden Rune [9]


Golden Rune [9]


Golden Rune [9]


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Melted Mushroom


Pest’s Glaive


Faded Erdleaf Flower


Aeonian Butterfly


Glintstone Staff


Aristocrat Headband


Aristocrat Garb


Aristocrat Boots


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Pumpkin Helm


Smithing Stone [3]


Sanctuary Stone




Redmane Greatshield


Redmane Knight Helm


Redmane Knight Armor


Redmane Knight Gauntlets


Redmane Knight Greaves




Foot Soldier Helm


Scarlet Tabard


Smoldering Butterfly






Foot Soldier Helm


Scarlet Tabard


Bolt x5


Short Sword


Foot Soldier Helm


Scarlet Tabard


Bolt x5


Golden Rune [3]


Golden Rune [4]


Golden Rune [5]


Golden Rune [9]


Weathered Straight Sword


Commoner’s Headband (Altered)


Commoner’s Garb


Commoner’s Shoes


Glass Shard


Page Hood


Page Garb


Page Trousers


Perfumer’s Bolt x5


Red Branch Shortbow


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Glass Shard


Thin Beast Bones


Hefty Beast Bone


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Radahn Soldier Helm


Redmane Surcoat


Radahn Soldier Gauntlets


Radahn Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smoldering Butterfly




Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Heavy Crossbow


Radahn Soldier Helm


Redmane Surcoat


Radahn Soldier Gauntlets


Radahn Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smoldering Butterfly




Radahn Soldier Helm


Redmane Surcoat


Radahn Soldier Gauntlets


Radahn Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smoldering Butterfly




Smithing Stone [2]


Lordsworn’s Shield


Radahn Soldier Helm


Redmane Surcoat


Radahn Soldier Gauntlets


Radahn Soldier Greaves


Smithing Stone [2]


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]


Pumpkin Helm


Smithing Stone [3]


Sanctuary Stone


Knight’s Greatsword


Redmane Greatshield


Redmane Knight Helm


Redmane Knight Armor


Redmane Knight Gauntlets


Redmane Knight Greaves




Redmane Greatshield


Redmane Knight Helm


Redmane Knight Armor


Redmane Knight Gauntlets


Redmane Knight Greaves




Foot Soldier Helm


Scarlet Tabard


Bolt x5




Foot Soldier Helm


Scarlet Tabard


Smoldering Butterfly






Foot Soldier Helm


Scarlet Tabard


Bolt x5




Foot Soldier Helm


Scarlet Tabard


Bolt x5




Foot Soldier Helm


Scarlet Tabard


Bolt x5


Short Sword


Foot Soldier Helm


Scarlet Tabard


Bolt x5


Short Spear


Foot Soldier Helm


Scarlet Tabard


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones




Marionette Soldier Helm


Marionette Soldier Armor


Cuckoo Glintstone


Arrow x5


Marionette Soldier Helm


Marionette Soldier Armor


Cuckoo Glintstone


Spiked Spear


Marionette Soldier Helm


Marionette Soldier Armor


Cuckoo Glintstone


Marionette Soldier Birdhelm


Cuckoo Glintstone


Marionette Soldier Birdhelm


Cuckoo Glintstone


Turtle Neck Meat


Strip of White Flesh


Flight Pinion


Four-Toed Fowl Foot




Ruin Fragment


Sanctuary Stone


Ruin Fragment


Sanctuary Stone


Smithing Stone [3]


Smoldering Butterfly x5


Fire Blossom x3


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Lump of Flesh


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Guardian’s Swordspear


Guardian Mask


Guardian Garb


Guardian Bracers


Guardian Greaves


Tarnished Golden Sunflower






Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Lump of Flesh


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Slumbering Egg




Human Bone Shard




Human Bone Shard


Arrow x5


Poisonbloom x5


Miranda Powder




Miranda Powder




Miranda Powder


Human Bone Shard


Marionette Soldier Helm


Marionette Soldier Armor


Cuckoo Glintstone


Marionette Soldier Helm


Marionette Soldier Armor


Cuckoo Glintstone


Glintstone Staff


Aristocrat Headband


Aristocrat Garb


Aristocrat Boots


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Noble’s Slender Sword


Aristocrat Garb (Altered)


Aristocrat Boots


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Noble’s Slender Sword


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Noble’s Slender Sword


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones


Cleanrot Knight’s Sword


Cleanrot Helm


Cleanrot Armor


Cleanrot Gauntlets


Cleanrot Greaves


Cleanrot Spear


Trina’s Lily


Halo Scythe


Cleanrot Knight’s Sword


Cleanrot Helm


Cleanrot Armor


Cleanrot Gauntlets


Cleanrot Greaves


Trina’s Lily


Great Dragonfly Head




Redmane Greatshield


Redmane Knight Helm


Redmane Knight Armor


Redmane Knight Gauntlets


Redmane Knight Greaves




Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard


Bolt x5


Short Sword


Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard


Bolt x5


Thin Beast Bones


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones


Human Bone Shard


Human Bone Shard


Bolt x5


Grave Scythe


Human Bone Shard


Sun Realm Shield


Human Bone Shard


Bandit’s Curved Sword


Human Bone Shard


Bandit’s Curved Sword


Serpent Arrow x5


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Golden Rune [7]




Strip of White Flesh


Weathered Straight Sword


Glass Shard


Strip of White Flesh


Great Dragonfly Head


Turtle Neck Meat


Strip of White Flesh


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Lump of Flesh


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Golem’s Halberd


Smithing Stone [5]


Golem Greatbow


Great Arrow x5


Golem’s Magic Arrow x5


Smithing Stone [4]


Golem Greatbow


Great Arrow x5


Golem’s Great Arrow x5


Smithing Stone [5]


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Golden Rune [12]


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Aristocrat Garb (Altered)


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Guardian’s Swordspear


Guardian Mask


Guardian Garb


Guardian Bracers


Guardian Greaves


Tarnished Golden Sunflower


Golden Centipede


Guardian’s Swordspear


Guardian Mask


Guardian Garb


Guardian Bracers


Guardian Greaves


Tarnished Golden Sunflower


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh




Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard


Bolt x5


Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard


Smoldering Butterfly


Flight Pinion


Four-Toed Fowl Foot


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Thin Beast Bones


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Smoldering Butterfly


Strip of White Flesh


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Noble’s Slender Sword


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Rowa Fruit




Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard


Bolt x5




Rickety Shield




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone








Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Spiked Club




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Omen Cleaver


Warped Axe


Misbegotten Shortbow


Old Fang


Longhaft Axe


Old Fang


Golden Rune [1]


Rune Arc


Grave Glovewort [7]


Grave Glovewort [8]


Grave Glovewort [7]


Grave Glovewort [8]


Golden Rune [6]


Golden Rune [7]


Golden Rune [8]


Golden Rune [9]


Golden Rune [9]


Glintstone Staff


Aristocrat Headband


Aristocrat Garb


Aristocrat Boots


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Aristocrat Garb (Altered)


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Great Dragonfly Head


Golden Rune [6]


Golden Rune [7]


Golden Rune [8]


Golden Rune [9]


Noble’s Slender Sword


Aristocrat Garb (Altered)


Aristocrat Boots


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Noble’s Estoc


Aristocrat Hat


Aristocrat Coat


Golden Sunflower




Erdleaf Flower


Old Aristocrat Cowl


Old Aristocrat Gown


Old Aristocrat Shoes


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Fur Raiment


Fur Leggings


Great Horned Headband


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Shaman Furs


Shaman Leggings


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Golden Rune [13]


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Golden Rune [13]


Curved Club


Albinauric Bloodclot


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Glass Shard


Thin Beast Bones


Hefty Beast Bone


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Great Dragonfly Head


Thin Beast Bones


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Glintstone Firefly


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Lump of Flesh


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Flight Pinion


Four-Toed Fowl Foot


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Budding Horn


Thin Beast Bones


Dirty Chainmail


Albinauric Bloodclot


Albinauric Shield


Dirty Chainmail


Albinauric Bloodclot


Guardian’s Swordspear


Guardian Mask


Guardian Garb


Guardian Bracers


Guardian Greaves


Tarnished Golden Sunflower


Trina’s Lily


Golden Rune [3]


Grave Glovewort [7]


Grave Glovewort [8]




Brass Shield


Mausoleum Surcoat


Mausoleum Gauntlets


Mausoleum Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]


Smithing Stone [8]


Mausoleum Surcoat


Mausoleum Gauntlets


Mausoleum Greaves


Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]


Smithing Stone [8]


Lordsworn’s Shield


Mausoleum Surcoat


Mausoleum Gauntlets


Mausoleum Greaves


Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]


Smithing Stone [8]


Knight’s Greatsword


Eclipse Crest Greatshield


Mausoleum Knight Armor


Mausoleum Knight Gauntlets


Mausoleum Knight Greaves


Bloodsoaked Tabard


Rotten Battle Hammer


Rotten Duelist Helm


Lump of Flesh


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Albinauric Shield


Dirty Chainmail


Albinauric Bloodclot


Albinauric Bloodclot


Ripple Crescent Halberd


Albinauric Bloodclot


Curved Great Club


Albinauric Bloodclot


Great Dragonfly Head


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Albinauric Bow


Albinauric Bloodclot


Blue Silver Mail Hood


Blue Silver Mail Armor


Blue Silver Bracelets


Blue Silver Mail Skirt


Arrow x5


St. Trina’s Arrow x5


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Albinauric Bow


Albinauric Bloodclot


Blue Silver Mail Hood


Blue Silver Mail Armor


Blue Silver Bracelets


Blue Silver Mail Skirt


Arrow x5


St. Trina’s Arrow x5


Rotten Duelist Greaves


Rotten Greataxe


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Sanctuary Stone


Gravel Stone


Thin Beast Bones


Ruin Fragment


Sanctuary Stone


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Sanctuary Stone


Stormhawk Feather


Flight Pinion


Gravel Stone x3


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Sacrificial Twig


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Sacrificial Twig


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Cat)


Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]


Forked Greatsword


Imp Head (Wolf)


Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]


Cleanrot Knight’s Sword


Cleanrot Helm


Cleanrot Armor


Cleanrot Gauntlets


Cleanrot Greaves


Cleanrot Spear


Trina’s Lily


Halo Scythe


Cleanrot Knight’s Sword


Cleanrot Helm


Cleanrot Armor


Cleanrot Gauntlets


Cleanrot Greaves


Trina’s Lily


Watchdog’s Greatsword


Weathered Straight Sword


Glass Shard


Yellow Ember


Glass Shard


Yellow Ember


Glass Shard


Yellow Ember


Golden Rune [1]


Yellow Ember


Rune Arc


Golden Rune [3]


Yellow Ember


Rune Arc


Eye of Yelough


Glintstone Staff


Aristocrat Headband


Aristocrat Garb


Aristocrat Boots


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Mausoleum Surcoat


Mausoleum Gauntlets


Mausoleum Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]


Smithing Stone [8]


Banished Knight’s Greatsword


Banished Knight Helm


Banished Knight Armor (Altered)


Banished Knight Gauntlets


Banished Knight Greaves


Banished Knight’s Greatsword


Banished Knight’s Halberd


Banished Knight Helm


Banished Knight Armor (Altered)


Banished Knight Gauntlets


Banished Knight Greaves


Human Bone Shard


Human Bone Shard


Bolt x5


Grave Scythe


Human Bone Shard


Sun Realm Shield


Human Bone Shard


Bandit’s Curved Sword


Human Bone Shard


Bandit’s Curved Sword


Beastman’s Curved Sword


Sanctuary Stone


Beastman’s Curved Sword


Beastman’s Jar-Shield


Sanctuary Stone


Beastman’s Curved Sword


Sanctuary Stone


Beastman’s Curved Sword


Beastman’s Jar-Shield


Sanctuary Stone


Beastman’s Curved Sword


Sanctuary Stone


Beastman’s Cleaver


Sanctuary Stone


Beastman’s Cleaver


Sanctuary Stone


Beastman’s Cleaver


Sanctuary Stone


Sanctuary Stone


Beastman’s Jar-Shield


Sanctuary Stone


Sanctuary Stone


Beastman’s Jar-Shield


Sanctuary Stone


Sanctuary Stone


Gravel Stone


Lordsworn’s Shield


Radahn Soldier Helm


Redmane Surcoat


Radahn Soldier Gauntlets


Radahn Soldier Greaves


Smithing Stone [2]


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]


Formic Rock


Formic Rock


Formic Rock


Formic Rock


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Mausoleum Surcoat


Mausoleum Gauntlets


Mausoleum Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [4]


Smithing Stone [5]


Smithing Stone [6]


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Heavy Crossbow


Mausoleum Surcoat


Mausoleum Gauntlets




Brass Shield


Mausoleum Surcoat


Mausoleum Gauntlets


Mausoleum Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [4]


Smithing Stone [5]


Smithing Stone [6]




Brass Shield


Mausoleum Surcoat


Mausoleum Gauntlets


Mausoleum Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [4]


Smithing Stone [5]


Smithing Stone [6]


Mausoleum Surcoat


Mausoleum Gauntlets


Mausoleum Greaves


Smithing Stone [4]


Smithing Stone [5]


Smithing Stone [6]


Lordsworn’s Shield


Mausoleum Surcoat


Mausoleum Gauntlets


Mausoleum Greaves


Smithing Stone [4]


Smithing Stone [5]


Smithing Stone [6]


Knight’s Greatsword


Eclipse Crest Greatshield


Mausoleum Knight Armor


Mausoleum Knight Gauntlets


Mausoleum Knight Greaves




Mausoleum Knight Armor


Mausoleum Knight Gauntlets


Mausoleum Knight Greaves


Knight’s Greatsword




Mausoleum Knight Armor


Mausoleum Knight Gauntlets


Mausoleum Knight Greaves


Great Arrow x5


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Lump of Flesh


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Beast Blood


Hefty Beast Bone


Lump of Flesh


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Prince of Death’s Cyst




Scripture Wooden Shield


Human Bone Shard


Smoldering Butterfly






Human Bone Shard




Human Bone Shard


Arrow x5


Banished Knight’s Greatsword


Banished Knight’s Shield


Banished Knight Helm


Banished Knight Armor (Altered)


Banished Knight Gauntlets


Banished Knight Greaves


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5




Smithing Stone [5]


Poisoned Stone


Poisoned Stone Clump




Smithing Stone [5]


Poisoned Stone


Poisoned Stone Clump


Ruin Fragment


Sanctuary Stone


Golden Rune [1]


Rune Arc


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Raya Lucarian Helm


Cuckoo Surcoat


Raya Lucarian Gauntlets


Raya Lucarian Greaves


Cuckoo Glintstone


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [1]


Lordsworn’s Shield


Raya Lucarian Helm


Cuckoo Surcoat


Raya Lucarian Gauntlets


Raya Lucarian Greaves


Cuckoo Glintstone


Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]


Smithing Stone [3]


Stormhawk Feather


Flight Pinion


Golem’s Halberd


Smithing Stone [1]


Golem Greatbow


Great Arrow x5


Golem’s Great Arrow x5


Smithing Stone [1]


Flight Pinion


Four-Toed Fowl Foot


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]


Smithing Stone [5]




Golden Greatshield


Leyndell Knight Helm


Leyndell Knight Armor


Leyndell Knight Gauntlets


Leyndell Knight Greaves


Knight’s Greatsword




Leyndell Knight Helm


Leyndell Knight Armor


Leyndell Knight Gauntlets


Leyndell Knight Greaves


Great Arrow x5


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Soldier’s Crossbow


Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard


Bolt x5


Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard


Smoldering Butterfly


Blackflame Monk Hood


Blackflame Monk Armor


Blackflame Monk Gauntlets


Blackflame Monk Greaves


Smoldering Butterfly


Fire Blossom


Radahn Soldier Helm


Redmane Surcoat


Radahn Soldier Gauntlets


Radahn Soldier Greaves


Smithing Stone [2]


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]




Smithing Stone [4]




Smithing Stone [4]


Explosive Stone


Explosive Stone Clump




Smithing Stone [4]


Cracked Crystal




Kaiden Helm


Kaiden Armor


Kaiden Gauntlets


Kaiden Trousers


Rowa Raisin


Sweet Raisin


Frozen Raisin


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Noble’s Slender Sword


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Noble’s Slender Sword


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Noble’s Estoc


Aristocrat Hat


Aristocrat Coat


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Glintstone Staff


Aristocrat Headband


Aristocrat Garb


Aristocrat Boots


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Old Aristocrat Cowl


Old Aristocrat Gown


Old Aristocrat Shoes


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Godrick Soldier Helm


Tree-and-Beast Surcoat


Godrick Soldier Gauntlets


Godrick Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [1]


Golden Rune [1]


Rune Arc


Golden Rune [3]


Rune Arc


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Lump of Flesh


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Thin Beast Bones


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Vulgar Militia Saw


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5




Scripture Wooden Shield


Human Bone Shard


Smoldering Butterfly






Human Bone Shard




Human Bone Shard




Human Bone Shard


Arrow x5


Mantis Blade


Page Hood


Page Garb


Page Trousers


Perfumer’s Bolt x5


Red Branch Shortbow


Bloodhound Knight Helm


Bloodhound Knight Armor


Bloodhound Knight Gauntlets


Bloodhound Knight Greaves


Noble’s Estoc


Aristocrat Hat


Aristocrat Coat


Golden Sunflower




Erdleaf Flower


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Aristocrat Garb (Altered)


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Melted Mushroom


Golden Rune [3]


Rune Arc


Vulgar Militia Saw


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5


Vulgar Militia Shotel


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5


Land Octopus Ovary


Strip of White Flesh


Octopus Head


Land Octopus Ovary


Strip of White Flesh


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Radahn Soldier Helm


Redmane Surcoat


Radahn Soldier Gauntlets


Radahn Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smoldering Butterfly




Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Radahn Soldier Helm


Redmane Surcoat


Radahn Soldier Gauntlets


Radahn Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smoldering Butterfly




Smithing Stone [2]


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Radahn Soldier Helm


Redmane Surcoat


Radahn Soldier Gauntlets


Radahn Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smoldering Butterfly




Radahn Soldier Helm


Redmane Surcoat


Radahn Soldier Gauntlets


Radahn Soldier Greaves


Smithing Stone [2]


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]


Foot Soldier Helm


Scarlet Tabard


Smoldering Butterfly


Golden Rune [3]


Golden Rune [4]


Golden Rune [5]


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Fanged)


Glintstone Firefly


Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]


Watchdog’s Greatsword


Golden Rune [9]




Strip of White Flesh


Golden Rune [9]




Strip of White Flesh


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Raw Meat Dumpling


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Raw Meat Dumpling


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Raw Meat Dumpling


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Raw Meat Dumpling


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Raw Meat Dumpling


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Cat)


Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]


Forked Greatsword


Imp Head (Wolf)


Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]


Monk’s Flamemace


Fire Monk Hood


Fire Monk Armor


Fire Monk Gauntlets


Fire Monk Greaves


Smoldering Butterfly


Fire Blossom


Monk’s Flameblade


Fire Monk Hood


Fire Monk Armor


Fire Monk Gauntlets


Fire Monk Greaves


Smoldering Butterfly


Fire Blossom


Fire Prelate Helm


Fire Prelate Armor


Fire Prelate Gauntlets


Fire Prelate Greaves


Watchdog’s Greatsword


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Budding Horn


Thin Beast Bones


Golden Rune [1]


Rune Arc


Golden Rune [3]


Rune Arc


Golden Rune [3]


Golden Rune [4]


Golden Rune [5]


Golden Rune [3]


Golden Rune [4]


Golden Rune [5]


Golden Rune [9]


Golden Rune [9]


Golden Rune [9]


Golden Rune [9]


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Radahn Soldier Helm


Redmane Surcoat


Radahn Soldier Gauntlets


Radahn Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smoldering Butterfly




Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Heavy Crossbow


Radahn Soldier Helm


Redmane Surcoat


Radahn Soldier Gauntlets


Radahn Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smoldering Butterfly




Brass Shield


Radahn Soldier Helm


Redmane Surcoat


Radahn Soldier Gauntlets


Radahn Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smoldering Butterfly






Heavy Crossbow


Radahn Soldier Helm


Redmane Surcoat


Radahn Soldier Gauntlets


Radahn Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smoldering Butterfly




Radahn Soldier Helm


Redmane Surcoat


Radahn Soldier Gauntlets


Radahn Soldier Greaves


Smithing Stone [2]


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]


Lordsworn’s Shield


Radahn Soldier Helm


Redmane Surcoat


Radahn Soldier Gauntlets


Radahn Soldier Greaves


Smithing Stone [2]


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]


Guardian’s Swordspear


Guardian Mask


Guardian Garb


Guardian Bracers


Guardian Greaves


Tarnished Golden Sunflower




Foot Soldier Helm


Scarlet Tabard


Smoldering Butterfly




Short Sword


Foot Soldier Helm


Scarlet Tabard


Bolt x5


Golden Rune [1]


Golden Rune [2]


Land Octopus Ovary


Strip of White Flesh


Octopus Head


Land Octopus Ovary


Strip of White Flesh


Land Octopus Ovary


Strip of White Flesh


Octopus Head


Land Octopus Ovary


Strip of White Flesh


Vulgar Militia Saw


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5


Vulgar Militia Shotel


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Silver Tear Husk


Flight Pinion


Four-Toed Fowl Foot


Great Dragonfly Head




Perfumer Hood


Perfumer Robe


Perfumer Gloves


Perfumer Sarong


Budding Cave Moss x5


Altus Bloom x5


Miranda Powder x3


Vulgar Militia Saw


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5


Vulgar Militia Shotel


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5


Golem’s Halberd


Smithing Stone [4]


Lump of Flesh


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Golem’s Halberd


Smithing Stone [5]


Omensmirk Mask


Weathered Straight Sword


Commoner’s Headband (Altered)


Commoner’s Garb


Commoner’s Shoes


Glass Shard


Poisonbloom x5


Miranda Powder




Miranda Powder


Golem’s Halberd


Smithing Stone [5]


Vulgar Militia Saw


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5


Vulgar Militia Shotel


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5




Rickety Shield




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone








Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone








Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Spiked Club




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Great Knife




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Bloodstained Dagger




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Glintstone Firefly


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Cat)


Smithing Stone [1]




Golden Rune [1]


Golden Rune [2]


Golden Rune [1]


Golden Rune [2]


Perfumer Hood


Perfumer Robe


Perfumer Gloves


Perfumer Sarong


Perfumer’s Shield


Budding Cave Moss x5


Altus Bloom x5


Miranda Powder x3


Page Hood


Page Garb


Page Trousers


Perfumer’s Bolt x5


Red Branch Shortbow


Perfumer’s Bolt x5


High Page Hood


High Page Clothes


Page Trousers


Red Branch Shortbow


Golden Rune [1]


Rune Arc


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Somber Smithing Stone [4]


Somber Smithing Stone [4]


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [4]


Smithing Stone [5]


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [4]


Smithing Stone [5]


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Heavy Crossbow


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [4]


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Smithing Stone [4]


Smithing Stone [5]


Smithing Stone [6]


Lordsworn’s Shield


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Smithing Stone [4]


Smithing Stone [5]


Smithing Stone [6]


Knight’s Greatsword


Golden Greatshield


Leyndell Knight Helm


Leyndell Knight Armor


Leyndell Knight Gauntlets


Leyndell Knight Greaves




Golden Greatshield


Leyndell Knight Helm


Leyndell Knight Armor


Leyndell Knight Gauntlets


Leyndell Knight Greaves




Golden Greatshield


Leyndell Knight Helm


Leyndell Knight Armor


Leyndell Knight Gauntlets


Leyndell Knight Greaves


Gravel Stone Seal


Knight’s Greatsword




Leyndell Knight Helm


Leyndell Knight Armor


Leyndell Knight Gauntlets


Leyndell Knight Greaves


Great Arrow x5




Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard




Short Sword


Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard






Miranda Powder


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Cat)


Smithing Stone [5]


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Fanged)


Smithing Stone [5]


Smoldering Butterfly




Forked Greatsword


Imp Head (Wolf)


Smithing Stone [5]


Duelist Greataxe


Duelist Helm


Gravekeeper Cloak


Duelist Greaves


Battle Hammer


Duelist Helm


Gravekeeper Cloak


Duelist Greaves


Iron Cleaver


Old Fang


Misbegotten Shortbow


Old Fang


Longhaft Axe


Old Fang


Iron Greatsword


Old Fang


Human Bone Shard


Envoy’s Horn


Strip of White Flesh


Envoy’s Long Horn


Strip of White Flesh


Guardian’s Swordspear


Guardian Mask


Guardian Garb


Guardian Bracers


Guardian Greaves


Tarnished Golden Sunflower


Guardian’s Swordspear


Guardian Mask


Guardian Garb (Full Bloom)


Guardian Bracers


Guardian Greaves


Tarnished Golden Sunflower


Weathered Straight Sword


Commoner’s Headband (Altered)


Commoner’s Garb


Commoner’s Shoes


Glass Shard




Black Dumpling


Albinauric Bloodclot


Perfumer Hood


Perfumer Robe


Perfumer Gloves


Perfumer Sarong


Budding Cave Moss x5


Altus Bloom x5


Miranda Powder x3




Gilded Greatshield


Godrick Knight Helm


Godrick Knight Armor


Godrick Knight Gauntlets


Godrick Knight Greaves


Golden Rune [3]




Strip of White Flesh


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones


Weathered Straight Sword


Commoner’s Headband (Altered)


Commoner’s Garb


Commoner’s Shoes


Glass Shard


Chainlink Flail


Pumpkin Helm


Smithing Stone [1]


Sanctuary Stone


Knight’s Greatsword


Gilded Greatshield


Godrick Knight Helm


Godrick Knight Armor


Godrick Knight Gauntlets


Godrick Knight Greaves




Foot Soldier Cap


Chain-Draped Tabard


Foot Soldier Gauntlets


Foot Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones






Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones


Great Dragonfly Head


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Budding Horn


Thin Beast Bones


Flight Pinion


Four-Toed Fowl Foot


Turtle Neck Meat


Strip of White Flesh


Glintstone Staff


Aristocrat Headband


Aristocrat Garb


Aristocrat Boots


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Great Dragonfly Head


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Lump of Flesh


Hefty Beast Bone


Old Fang


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Aristocrat Garb (Altered)


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Golem’s Halberd


Smithing Stone [1]


Lump of Flesh


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Old Fang


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Glass Shard


Thin Beast Bones


Hefty Beast Bone


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Lump of Flesh


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Ash of War: Gravitas


Glass Shard


Thin Beast Bones


Hefty Beast Bone


Lordsworn’s Shield


Radahn Soldier Helm


Redmane Surcoat


Radahn Soldier Gauntlets


Radahn Soldier Greaves


Smithing Stone [2]


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Grave Scythe


Human Bone Shard


Short Spear


Foot Soldier Cap


Chain-Draped Tabard


Foot Soldier Gauntlets


Foot Soldier Greaves


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Lump of Flesh


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Lump of Flesh


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood




Godrick Soldier Helm


Tree-and-Beast Surcoat


Godrick Soldier Gauntlets


Godrick Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [1]


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Raw Meat Dumpling


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Raw Meat Dumpling


Living Jar Shard


Troll Knight’s Sword


Ripple Crescent Halberd


Dirty Chainmail


Albinauric Bloodclot


Smoldering Butterfly


Strip of White Flesh


Staff of the Guilty


Smoldering Butterfly


[Sorcery] Briars of Sin


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood




Smithing Stone [1]




Smithing Stone [1]




Smithing Stone [1]


Explosive Stone


Explosive Stone Clump




Smithing Stone [1]


Noble’s Slender Sword


Aristocrat Garb (Altered)


Aristocrat Boots


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Aristocrat Headband


Aristocrat Garb


Aristocrat Boots


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Glintstone Staff




Foot Soldier Cap


Chain-Draped Tabard


Foot Soldier Gauntlets


Foot Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Poisonbloom x5


Miranda Powder




Miranda Powder




Radahn Soldier Helm


Redmane Surcoat


Radahn Soldier Gauntlets


Radahn Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smoldering Butterfly




Smithing Stone [2]


Knight’s Greatsword




Redmane Knight Helm


Redmane Knight Armor


Redmane Knight Gauntlets


Redmane Knight Greaves


Great Arrow x5


Foot Soldier Helm


Scarlet Tabard


Smoldering Butterfly


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Noble’s Estoc


Aristocrat Hat


Aristocrat Coat


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Glintstone Staff


Aristocrat Headband


Aristocrat Garb


Aristocrat Boots


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Raya Lucarian Helm


Cuckoo Surcoat


Raya Lucarian Gauntlets


Raya Lucarian Greaves


Cuckoo Glintstone


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [1]


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Heavy Crossbow


Raya Lucarian Helm


Cuckoo Surcoat


Raya Lucarian Gauntlets


Raya Lucarian Greaves


Cuckoo Glintstone


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5




Brass Shield


Raya Lucarian Helm


Cuckoo Surcoat


Raya Lucarian Gauntlets


Raya Lucarian Greaves


Cuckoo Glintstone


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [3]




Brass Shield


Raya Lucarian Helm


Cuckoo Surcoat


Raya Lucarian Gauntlets


Raya Lucarian Greaves


Cuckoo Glintstone


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [1]


Raya Lucarian Helm


Cuckoo Surcoat


Raya Lucarian Gauntlets


Raya Lucarian Greaves


Cuckoo Glintstone


Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]


Smithing Stone [3]


Lordsworn’s Shield


Raya Lucarian Helm


Cuckoo Surcoat


Raya Lucarian Gauntlets


Raya Lucarian Greaves


Cuckoo Glintstone


Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]


Smithing Stone [3]


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Raw Meat Dumpling


Curved Great Club


Albinauric Bloodclot




Miranda Powder




Human Bone Shard


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Human Bone Shard


Grave Scythe


Human Bone Shard


Albinauric Bloodclot


Glintstone Firefly


Albinauric Bloodclot


Glintstone Firefly


Albinauric Bloodclot


Lazuli Glintstone Sword


Lazuli Robe


Page Hood


Page Garb


Page Trousers


Perfumer’s Bolt x5


Red Branch Shortbow


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Executioner’s Greataxe


Human Bone Shard


Bandit’s Curved Sword


Human Bone Shard


Bandit’s Curved Sword


Lump of Flesh


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Grave Glovewort [2]


Grave Glovewort [3]


Strip of White Flesh


Strip of White Flesh


Crab Eggs


Troll Knight’s Sword


Albinauric Bloodclot




Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Heavy Crossbow


Raya Lucarian Helm


Cuckoo Surcoat


Raya Lucarian Gauntlets


Raya Lucarian Greaves


Cuckoo Glintstone


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5




Foot Soldier Helmet


Foot Soldier Tabard


Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [3]


Smoldering Butterfly x5


Fire Blossom x3


Weathered Straight Sword


Commoner’s Headband (Altered)


Commoner’s Garb


Commoner’s Shoes


Glass Shard


Smithing Stone [3]


Smoldering Butterfly x5


Fire Blossom x3


Golem’s Halberd


Smithing Stone [2]


Smithing Stone [3]


Flight Pinion


Four-Toed Fowl Foot


Golden Rune [6]


Ruin Fragment


Sanctuary Stone


Grave Violet


Curved Club


Albinauric Bloodclot


Guardian’s Swordspear


Guardian Mask


Guardian Garb


Guardian Bracers


Guardian Greaves


Tarnished Golden Sunflower


Spiked Spear


Marionette Soldier Helm


Marionette Soldier Armor


Cuckoo Glintstone


Flight Pinion


Four-Toed Fowl Foot


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Thin Beast Bones


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Golden Rune [1]


Yellow Ember


Rune Arc


Golden Rune [3]


Yellow Ember


Rune Arc


Poisonbloom x5


Miranda Powder




Miranda Powder




Foot Soldier Helmet


Foot Soldier Tabard


Troll Knight’s Sword


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones


Grave Violet


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Raw Meat Dumpling


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Raw Meat Dumpling


Living Jar Shard


Albinauric Shield


Dirty Chainmail


Albinauric Bloodclot


Raya Lucarian Helm


Cuckoo Surcoat


Raya Lucarian Gauntlets


Raya Lucarian Greaves


Cuckoo Glintstone


Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]


Smithing Stone [3]


Smoldering Butterfly


Sacrificial Twig


Ghost Glovewort [2]


Slumbering Egg


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Longhaft Axe


Old Fang


Grave Glovewort [2]


Grave Glovewort [3]


Land Octopus Ovary


Strip of White Flesh


Octopus Head


Land Octopus Ovary


Strip of White Flesh


Great Dragonfly Head


Golem’s Halberd


Smithing Stone [5]


Golem Greatbow


Great Arrow x5


Golem’s Great Arrow x5


Smithing Stone [5]


Nox Monk Hood


Nox Monk Armor


Nox Monk Bracelets


Nox Monk Greaves


Golden Rune [3]


Rune Arc


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Glintstone Staff


Aristocrat Headband


Aristocrat Garb


Aristocrat Boots


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Curved Club


Albinauric Bloodclot


Ripple Crescent Halberd


Albinauric Bloodclot


Golden Rune [5]




Strip of White Flesh


Knight’s Greatsword


Golden Greatshield


Leyndell Knight Helm


Leyndell Knight Armor


Leyndell Knight Gauntlets


Leyndell Knight Greaves


Dragon Cult Prayerbook


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones




Smithing Stone [2]


Smithing Stone [3]


Golden Rune [5]




Strip of White Flesh


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Lump of Flesh


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Turtle Neck Meat


Strip of White Flesh


Noble’s Estoc


Aristocrat Hat


Aristocrat Coat


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Vulgar Militia Saw


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5


Vulgar Militia Shotel


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5


Jawbone Axe


Fur Raiment


Fur Leggings


Dwelling Arrow x5


Great Horned Headband


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Jawbone Axe


Fur Raiment


Fur Leggings


Dwelling Arrow x5


Great Horned Headband


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Noble’s Slender Sword


Aristocrat Garb (Altered)


Aristocrat Boots


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Old Aristocrat Cowl


Old Aristocrat Gown


Old Aristocrat Shoes


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower




Foot Soldier Helmet


Foot Soldier Tabard


Bolt x5


Soldier’s Crossbow


Foot Soldier Helmet


Foot Soldier Tabard


Bolt x5


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Monk’s Flamemace


Fire Monk Hood


Fire Monk Armor


Fire Monk Gauntlets


Fire Monk Greaves


Smoldering Butterfly


Fire Blossom


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Albinauric Bloodclot


Albinauric Bloodclot


Glintstone Firefly


Albinauric Bloodclot


Depraved Perfumer Headscarf


Depraved Perfumer Robe


Depraved Perfumer Gloves


Depraved Perfumer Trousers


Budding Cave Moss x5


Altus Bloom x5


Miranda Powder x3


Glintstone Staff


Aristocrat Headband


Aristocrat Garb


Aristocrat Boots


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Grave Violet


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Raya Lucarian Helm


Cuckoo Surcoat


Raya Lucarian Gauntlets


Raya Lucarian Greaves


Cuckoo Glintstone


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [1]




Brass Shield


Raya Lucarian Helm


Cuckoo Surcoat


Raya Lucarian Gauntlets


Raya Lucarian Greaves


Cuckoo Glintstone


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [1]




Raya Lucarian Helm


Cuckoo Surcoat


Raya Lucarian Gauntlets


Raya Lucarian Greaves


Cuckoo Glintstone


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]


Lordsworn’s Shield


Raya Lucarian Helm


Cuckoo Surcoat


Raya Lucarian Gauntlets


Raya Lucarian Greaves


Cuckoo Glintstone


Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]


Smithing Stone [3]


Chainlink Flail


Pumpkin Helm


Smithing Stone [2]


Sanctuary Stone


Knight’s Greatsword


Cuckoo Greatshield


Cuckoo Knight Helm


Cuckoo Knight Armor


Cuckoo Knight Gauntlets


Cuckoo Knight Greaves




Cuckoo Greatshield


Cuckoo Knight Helm


Cuckoo Knight Armor


Cuckoo Knight Gauntlets


Cuckoo Knight Greaves


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Strip of White Flesh


Smithing Stone [2]


Albinauric Bloodclot


Albinauric Bloodclot


Poisonbloom x3


Cracked Crystal x3


Miranda Powder


Sacred Crown Helm


Ivory-Draped Tabard


Smoldering Butterfly


Poisonbloom x5


Miranda Powder


Poisonbloom x5


Miranda Powder




Miranda Powder




Miranda Powder




Miranda Powder


Rotten Staff


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Cat)


Smithing Stone [4]


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Fanged)


Smithing Stone [4]


Smoldering Butterfly




Forked Greatsword


Imp Head (Wolf)


Smithing Stone [4]


Glass Shard


Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]


Albinauric Shield


Dirty Chainmail


Albinauric Bloodclot


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Mausoleum Surcoat


Mausoleum Gauntlets


Mausoleum Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]


Smithing Stone [3]


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Heavy Crossbow


Mausoleum Surcoat


Mausoleum Gauntlets




Brass Shield


Mausoleum Surcoat


Mausoleum Gauntlets


Mausoleum Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]


Smithing Stone [3]


Knight’s Greatsword


Eclipse Crest Greatshield


Mausoleum Knight Armor


Mausoleum Knight Gauntlets


Mausoleum Knight Greaves


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Heavy Crossbow


Haligtree Helm


Haligtree Crest Surcoat


Miquella’s Lily


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Haligtree Helm


Haligtree Crest Surcoat


Haligtree Gauntlets


Haligtree Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [6]


Miquella’s Lily


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Haligtree Helm


Haligtree Crest Surcoat


Haligtree Gauntlets


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Heavy Crossbow


Haligtree Helm


Haligtree Crest Surcoat




Brass Shield


Haligtree Helm


Haligtree Crest Surcoat


Haligtree Gauntlets


Haligtree Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]




Haligtree Helm


Haligtree Crest Surcoat


Haligtree Gauntlets


Haligtree Greaves


Miquella’s Lily




Brass Shield


Haligtree Helm


Haligtree Crest Surcoat


Haligtree Gauntlets


Haligtree Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [6]


Miquella’s Lily




Haligtree Helm


Haligtree Crest Surcoat


Haligtree Gauntlets


Haligtree Helm


Haligtree Crest Surcoat


Haligtree Gauntlets


Haligtree Greaves


Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]


Smithing Stone [8]


Miquella’s Lily


Haligtree Helm


Haligtree Crest Surcoat


Haligtree Gauntlets


Haligtree Greaves


Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]


Smithing Stone [8]


Lordsworn’s Shield


Haligtree Helm


Haligtree Crest Surcoat


Haligtree Gauntlets


Haligtree Greaves


Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]


Smithing Stone [8]


Miquella’s Lily


Lordsworn’s Shield


Haligtree Helm


Haligtree Crest Surcoat


Haligtree Gauntlets


Haligtree Greaves


Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]


Smithing Stone [8]


Miquella’s Lily


Knight’s Greatsword


Haligtree Crest Greatshield


Haligtree Knight Armor


Haligtree Knight Gauntlets


Haligtree Knight Greaves




Haligtree Knight Armor


Haligtree Knight Gauntlets


Haligtree Knight Greaves


Miquella’s Lily




Haligtree Knight Armor


Haligtree Knight Gauntlets


Haligtree Knight Greaves


Knight’s Greatsword




Haligtree Knight Armor


Haligtree Knight Gauntlets


Haligtree Knight Greaves


Great Arrow x5


Miquella’s Lily


Knight’s Greatsword




Haligtree Knight Armor


Haligtree Knight Gauntlets


Haligtree Knight Greaves


Great Arrow x5




Sacred Crown Helm


Ivory-Draped Tabard


Bolt x5




Sacred Crown Helm


Ivory-Draped Tabard


Bolt x5


Sacred Crown Helm


Ivory-Draped Tabard


Envoy’s Long Horn


Strip of White Flesh


Envoy’s Greathorn


Strip of White Flesh




Melted Mushroom


Toxic Mushroom




Melted Mushroom


Toxic Mushroom




Melted Mushroom


Toxic Mushroom


Stone Club


Somber Smithing Stone [7]


Somber Smithing Stone [8]


Cleanrot Knight’s Sword


Cleanrot Helm


Cleanrot Armor


Cleanrot Gauntlets


Cleanrot Greaves


Cleanrot Spear


Miquella’s Lily


Halo Scythe


Cleanrot Knight’s Sword


Cleanrot Helm


Cleanrot Armor


Cleanrot Gauntlets


Cleanrot Greaves


Miquella’s Lily


Pest’s Glaive


Aeonian Butterfly


Pest’s Glaive


Faded Erdleaf Flower


Aeonian Butterfly


Sacrificial Twig


Ghost Glovewort [9]


Sacrificial Twig


Ghost Glovewort [9]


Sacrificial Twig


Ghost Glovewort [9]


Sacrificial Twig


Ghost Glovewort [9]


Sacrificial Twig


Ghost Glovewort [9]


Grave Glovewort [1]


Grave Glovewort [2]


Grave Glovewort [3]


Formic Rock


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Haligtree Helm


Haligtree Crest Surcoat


Haligtree Gauntlets


Haligtree Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Haligtree Helm


Haligtree Crest Surcoat


Haligtree Gauntlets


Haligtree Greaves


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Haligtree Helm


Haligtree Crest Surcoat


Haligtree Gauntlets


Haligtree Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]


Curved Club


Albinauric Bloodclot


Albinauric Bloodclot


Ripple Crescent Halberd


Albinauric Bloodclot


Curved Great Club


Albinauric Bloodclot








Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones x6


Hefty Beast Bone x6


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Golden Rune [5]


Blood-Tainted Excrement


Aeonian Butterfly


Rotten Crystal Spear


Rotten Crystal Staff


Iron Cleaver


Old Fang


Misbegotten Shortbow


Old Fang


Misbegotten Shortbow


Old Fang


Longhaft Axe


Old Fang


Longhaft Axe


Old Fang


Iron Greatsword


Old Fang


Iron Greatsword


Old Fang


Envoy’s Horn


Strip of White Flesh




Smithing Stone [1]




Smithing Stone [1]


Explosive Stone


Explosive Stone Clump




Smithing Stone [1]


Cracked Crystal


Flight Pinion


Four-Toed Fowl Foot


Lump of Flesh


Hefty Beast Bone


Old Fang


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Ruin Fragment


Sanctuary Stone


Grave Violet


Sacrificial Twig


Ghost Glovewort [2]


Sacrificial Twig


Ghost Glovewort [2]


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Glintstone Firefly


Slumbering Egg


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Lump of Flesh


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Flight Pinion


Four-Toed Fowl Foot


Turtle Neck Meat


Strip of White Flesh


Thin Beast Bones


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Albinauric Bloodclot


Albinauric Bloodclot


Grave Scythe


Human Bone Shard


Sun Realm Shield


Human Bone Shard


Bandit’s Curved Sword


Human Bone Shard


Bandit’s Curved Sword


Marionette Soldier Helm


Marionette Soldier Armor


Cuckoo Glintstone


Spiked Spear


Marionette Soldier Helm


Marionette Soldier Armor


Cuckoo Glintstone


Marionette Soldier Birdhelm


Cuckoo Glintstone


Marionette Soldier Birdhelm


Cuckoo Glintstone


Marionette Soldier Birdhelm


Cuckoo Glintstone






Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones




Rickety Shield




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Spiked Club




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Great Knife




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Golden Rune [10]


Golden Rune [11]


Golden Rune [10]


Golden Rune [11]


Golden Rune [10]


Golden Rune [11]


Golem’s Halberd


Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]


Thin Beast Bones


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Iron Cleaver


Old Fang


Misbegotten Shortbow


Old Fang


Somber Smithing Stone [7]


Somber Smithing Stone [7]


Somber Smithing Stone [7]


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Somber Smithing Stone [7]


Somber Smithing Stone [7]


Thorned Whip


Fire Prelate Helm


Fire Prelate Armor


Fire Prelate Gauntlets


Fire Prelate Greaves


Smoldering Butterfly


Fire Prelate Helm


Fire Prelate Armor


Fire Prelate Gauntlets


Fire Prelate Greaves


Golden Rune [1]


Rune Arc


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Staff of the Guilty


Smoldering Butterfly


Staff of the Guilty


Smoldering Butterfly


Somber Smithing Stone [7]


Somber Smithing Stone [7]


Somber Smithing Stone [7]


Arteria Leaf


Human Bone Shard


Human Bone Shard


Bolt x5


Banished Knight’s Greatsword


Banished Knight Helm (Altered)


Banished Knight Armor


Banished Knight Gauntlets


Banished Knight Greaves


Banished Knight’s Greatsword


Banished Knight’s Halberd


Banished Knight Helm (Altered)


Banished Knight Armor


Banished Knight Gauntlets


Banished Knight Greaves


Crescent Moon Axe


Stormhawk Feather


Albinauric Bloodclot


Albinauric Bloodclot


Black Dumpling


Albinauric Bloodclot


Strip of White Flesh


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Golden Rune [1]


Rune Arc


Serpent Arrow x5


Warhawk’s Talon


Stormhawk Feather


Flight Pinion


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Cat)


Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]


Dirty Chainmail


Albinauric Bloodclot


Smoldering Butterfly


Strip of White Flesh






Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Golden Rune [10]


Golden Rune [11]




Human Bone Shard


Human Bone Shard


Bolt x5


Somber Smithing Stone [7]


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Smoldering Butterfly


Strip of White Flesh


Somber Smithing Stone [7]


Somber Smithing Stone [7]


Somber Smithing Stone [7]


Somber Smithing Stone [7]


Somber Smithing Stone [7]


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Golden Rune [5]


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Golden Rune [5]




Marionette Soldier Helm


Marionette Soldier Armor


Cuckoo Glintstone


Arrow x5


Grave Glovewort [7]


Grave Glovewort [8]


Strip of White Flesh


Rimed Crystal Bud


Ruin Fragment


Sanctuary Stone


Soldier’s Crossbow


Exile Hood


Exile Armor


Exile Gauntlets


Exile Greaves


Stormhawk Feather


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smoldering Butterfly




Exile Hood


Exile Armor


Exile Gauntlets


Exile Greaves


Stormhawk Feather


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smoldering Butterfly




Exile Hood


Exile Armor


Exile Gauntlets


Exile Greaves


Stormhawk Feather


Smoldering Butterfly




Exile Hood


Exile Armor


Exile Gauntlets


Exile Greaves


Stormhawk Feather


Smoldering Butterfly






Exile Hood


Exile Armor


Exile Gauntlets


Exile Greaves


Stormhawk Feather


Banished Knight’s Greatsword


Banished Knight’s Shield


Banished Knight Helm (Altered)


Banished Knight Armor (Altered)


Banished Knight Gauntlets


Banished Knight Greaves


Banished Knight’s Greatsword


Banished Knight Helm (Altered)


Banished Knight Armor (Altered)


Banished Knight Gauntlets


Banished Knight Greaves


Banished Knight’s Greatsword


Flight Pinion


Four-Toed Fowl Foot


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]


Smithing Stone [5]


Pumpkin Helm


Smithing Stone [4]


Sanctuary Stone




Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard




Short Spear


Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard


Commoner’s Headband (Altered)


Commoner’s Garb


Commoner’s Shoes


Glass Shard


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Lump of Flesh


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Lump of Flesh


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Bloodstained Dagger




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Stormhawk Feather


Flight Pinion


Flight Pinion


Four-Toed Fowl Foot


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Slumbering Egg


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Thin Beast Bones


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Spiked Spear


Marionette Soldier Helm


Marionette Soldier Armor


Cuckoo Glintstone


Marionette Soldier Birdhelm


Cuckoo Glintstone




Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard


Bolt x5


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones


Marionette Soldier Birdhelm


Cuckoo Glintstone


Lordsworn’s Shield


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]


Smithing Stone [5]


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]




Brass Shield


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]


Smithing Stone [5]


Knight’s Greatsword


Golden Greatshield


Leyndell Knight Helm


Leyndell Knight Armor


Leyndell Knight Gauntlets


Leyndell Knight Greaves




Golden Greatshield


Leyndell Knight Helm


Leyndell Knight Armor


Leyndell Knight Gauntlets


Leyndell Knight Greaves


Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard


Smoldering Butterfly


Short Sword


Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard


Bolt x5


Monk’s Flamemace


Fire Monk Hood


Fire Monk Armor


Fire Monk Gauntlets


Fire Monk Greaves


Smoldering Butterfly


Fire Blossom


Fire Prelate Helm


Fire Prelate Armor (Altered)


Fire Prelate Gauntlets


Fire Prelate Greaves


Prelate’s Inferno Crozier


Grave Glovewort [4]


Grave Glovewort [5]


Grave Glovewort [6]


Somber Smithing Stone [4]


Somber Smithing Stone [4]


Somber Smithing Stone [4]


Smithing Stone [5]


Smoldering Butterfly x5


Fire Blossom x3




Highwayman Hood


Highwayman Cloth Armor


Highwayman Gauntlets


Bolt x5


Short Sword


Highwayman Hood


Highwayman Cloth Armor


Highwayman Gauntlets


Bolt x5


Short Sword


Highwayman Hood


Highwayman Cloth Armor


Highwayman Gauntlets


Smoldering Butterfly




Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Cat)


Smithing Stone [1]




Brass Shield


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]


Staff of the Guilty


Smoldering Butterfly


Staff of the Guilty


Smoldering Butterfly


Smithing Stone [5]


Smoldering Butterfly x5


Fire Blossom x3


Smithing Stone [5]


Smoldering Butterfly x5


Fire Blossom x3


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Academy Glintstone Staff


Raya Lucarian Robe


Sorcerer Manchettes


Sorcerer Leggings




Miranda Powder


Great Dragonfly Head


Academy Glintstone Staff


Raya Lucarian Robe


Sorcerer Manchettes


Sorcerer Leggings


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Thin Beast Bones


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Melted Mushroom




Marionette Soldier Helm


Marionette Soldier Armor


Cuckoo Glintstone


Arrow x5


Marionette Soldier Helm


Marionette Soldier Armor


Cuckoo Glintstone


Digger’s Staff


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Somber Smithing Stone [3]


Glintstone Scrap


Large Glintstone Scrap


Digger’s Staff


Glintstone Scrap


Large Glintstone Scrap


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Somber Smithing Stone [3]


Glintstone Scrap


Large Glintstone Scrap


Digger’s Staff


Somber Smithing Stone [2]


Somber Smithing Stone [3]


Glintstone Scrap


Large Glintstone Scrap


Perfumer Hood


Perfumer Robe


Perfumer Gloves


Perfumer Sarong


Budding Cave Moss x5


Altus Bloom x5


Miranda Powder x3


Perfumer Hood


Perfumer Robe


Perfumer Gloves


Perfumer Sarong


Perfumer’s Shield


Budding Cave Moss x5


Altus Bloom x5


Miranda Powder x3


Poisonbloom x5


Miranda Powder




Miranda Powder


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]


Smithing Stone [5]


Knight’s Greatsword


Golden Greatshield


Leyndell Knight Helm


Leyndell Knight Armor


Leyndell Knight Gauntlets


Leyndell Knight Greaves




Smithing Stone [5]




Smithing Stone [5]




Smithing Stone [5]




Smithing Stone [5]


Cracked Crystal


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Heavy Crossbow


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [3]


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]


Smithing Stone [5]


Lordsworn’s Shield


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]


Smithing Stone [5]


Chainlink Flail


Pumpkin Helm


Sanctuary Stone


Short Spear


Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard


Gilded Foot Soldier Cap


Leather-Draped Tabard


Smoldering Butterfly


Golden Rune [3]


Golden Rune [4]


Golden Rune [5]


Golden Rune [3]


Golden Rune [4]


Golden Rune [5]


Golden Rune [6]


Golden Rune [6]


Golden Rune [6]


Land Octopus Ovary


Strip of White Flesh


Octopus Head


Land Octopus Ovary


Strip of White Flesh


Vulgar Militia Saw


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5


Vulgar Militia Shotel


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5


Vulgar Militia Helm


Vulgar Militia Armor


Vulgar Militia Gauntlets


Vulgar Militia Greaves


Kukri x5




Smithing Stone [4]




Smithing Stone [4]




Smithing Stone [4]


Explosive Stone


Explosive Stone Clump




Smithing Stone [4]


Explosive Stone


Explosive Stone Clump


Longhaft Axe


Old Fang


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Cat)


Smithing Stone [2]


Smithing Stone [3]


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Fanged)


Glintstone Firefly


Smithing Stone [2]


Smithing Stone [3]


Forked Greatsword


Imp Head (Wolf)


Smithing Stone [2]


Smithing Stone [3]




Marionette Soldier Helm


Marionette Soldier Armor


Cuckoo Glintstone


Arrow x5


Marionette Soldier Helm


Marionette Soldier Armor


Cuckoo Glintstone


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Leyndell Soldier Helm


Erdtree Surcoat


Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets


Leyndell Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [3]


Smithing Stone [4]


Smithing Stone [5]


Toxic Mushroom


Toxic Mushroom


Toxic Mushroom


Poisonbloom x5


Miranda Powder


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Cat)


Smithing Stone [5]


Forked Greatsword


Imp Head (Wolf)


Smithing Stone [5]


Duelist Greataxe


Duelist Helm


Gravekeeper Cloak


Duelist Greaves




Grave Violet


Grave Violet


Sacrificial Twig


Ghost Glovewort [4]


Sacrificial Twig


Ghost Glovewort [4]


Sacrificial Twig


Ghost Glovewort [4]


Executioner’s Greataxe


Human Bone Shard


Human Bone Shard


Human Bone Shard


Bolt x5


Bandit’s Curved Sword


Human Bone Shard


Bandit’s Curved Sword


Golden Rune [3]


Golden Rune [4]


Golden Rune [5]


Turtle Neck Meat


Strip of White Flesh


Thin Beast Bones


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Iron Spear


Spiritflame Arrow x5


Dewkissed Herba


Inverted Hawk Towershield


Spiritflame Arrow x5


Dewkissed Herba


Spiritflame Arrow x5


Dewkissed Herba


Spiritflame Arrow x5


Dewkissed Herba


Academy Glintstone Staff


Raya Lucarian Robe


Sorcerer Manchettes


Sorcerer Leggings


Lazuli Glintstone Sword


Lazuli Robe


Academy Glintstone Staff


Raya Lucarian Robe


Sorcerer Manchettes


Sorcerer Leggings


Sacrificial Twig


Ghost Glovewort [4]


Glintstone Firefly


Digger’s Staff


Somber Smithing Stone [3]


Somber Smithing Stone [4]


Glintstone Scrap


Large Glintstone Scrap


Digger’s Staff


Glintstone Scrap


Large Glintstone Scrap


Somber Smithing Stone [3]


Somber Smithing Stone [4]


Glintstone Scrap


Large Glintstone Scrap


Digger’s Staff


Somber Smithing Stone [3]


Somber Smithing Stone [4]


Glintstone Scrap


Large Glintstone Scrap


Pest’s Glaive


Faded Erdleaf Flower


Aeonian Butterfly


Pest’s Glaive


Faded Erdleaf Flower


Aeonian Butterfly


Golden Rune [1]


Rune Arc


Golden Rune [3]


Rune Arc


Glass Shard


Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]


Nascent Butterfly


Shaman Furs


Shaman Leggings


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Clayman’s Harpoon


Silver Firefly


Silver Firefly


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Golden Rune [1]


Rune Arc


Golden Rune [1]


Rune Arc


Golden Rune [3]


Rune Arc


Grave Glovewort [4]


Grave Glovewort [5]


Grave Glovewort [6]


Land Octopus Ovary


Strip of White Flesh


Octopus Head


Land Octopus Ovary


Strip of White Flesh


Poisonbloom x5


Miranda Powder




Miranda Powder


Flight Pinion


Four-Toed Fowl Foot


Flight Pinion


Four-Toed Fowl Foot


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Lump of Flesh


Hefty Beast Bone


Old Fang


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Great Dragonfly Head


Silver Tear Husk


Golden Rune [7]


Silver Tear Husk


Larval Tear


Jawbone Axe


Fur Raiment


Fur Leggings


Dwelling Arrow x5


Great Horned Headband


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Jawbone Axe


Fur Raiment


Fur Leggings


Dwelling Arrow x5


Great Horned Headband


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Jawbone Axe


Fur Raiment


Fur Leggings


Dwelling Arrow x5


Great Horned Headband


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Greathorn Hammer


Fur Raiment


Fur Leggings


Great Horned Headband


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Greathorn Hammer


Fur Raiment


Fur Leggings


Great Horned Headband


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Greathorn Hammer


Fur Raiment


Fur Leggings


Great Horned Headband


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Fur Raiment


Fur Leggings


Great Horned Headband


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Fur Raiment


Fur Leggings


Great Horned Headband


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Jawbone Axe


Fur Raiment


Fur Leggings


Dwelling Arrow x5


Great Horned Headband


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Jawbone Axe


Fur Raiment


Fur Leggings


Dwelling Arrow x5


Great Horned Headband


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Jawbone Axe


Fur Raiment


Fur Leggings


Dwelling Arrow x5


Great Horned Headband


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Jawbone Axe


Fur Raiment


Fur Leggings


Dwelling Arrow x5


Great Horned Headband


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Greathorn Hammer


Fur Raiment


Fur Leggings


Great Horned Headband


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Greathorn Hammer


Fur Raiment


Fur Leggings


Great Horned Headband


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Fur Raiment


Fur Leggings


Great Horned Headband


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Fur Raiment


Fur Leggings


Great Horned Headband


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Shaman Furs


Shaman Leggings


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Shaman Furs


Shaman Leggings


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Shining Horned Headband




Kaiden Helm


Kaiden Armor


Kaiden Gauntlets


Kaiden Trousers


Rowa Raisin


Sweet Raisin


Frozen Raisin


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Noble’s Slender Sword


Aristocrat Garb (Altered)


Aristocrat Boots


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Noble’s Estoc


Aristocrat Hat


Aristocrat Coat


Fire Blossom


Rimed Crystal Bud


Old Aristocrat Cowl


Old Aristocrat Gown


Old Aristocrat Shoes


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Rowa Fruit


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Golem Greatbow


Great Arrow x5


Golem’s Great Arrow x5


Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]


Golem Greatbow


Great Arrow x5


Golem’s Great Arrow x5


Smithing Stone [1]


Clayman’s Harpoon


Silver Firefly


Silver Firefly


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Nox Swordstress Crown


Nox Swordstress Armor


Nox Monk Bracelets


Nox Monk Greaves


Night Maiden Twin Crown


Night Maiden Armor


Nox Monk Bracelets


Nox Monk Greaves


Silver Tear Husk


Silver Tear Husk


Golden Rune [7]


Knight’s Greatsword


Gilded Greatshield


Godrick Knight Helm


Godrick Knight Armor


Godrick Knight Gauntlets


Godrick Knight Greaves


Short Sword


Foot Soldier Cap


Chain-Draped Tabard


Foot Soldier Gauntlets


Foot Soldier Greaves


Smoldering Butterfly




Human Bone Shard


Sun Realm Shield


Human Bone Shard


Grave Glovewort [1]


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Slumbering Egg


Lump of Flesh


Hefty Beast Bone


Old Fang


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Thin Beast Bones


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Cat)


Smithing Stone [1]


Golden Rune [3]


Golden Rune [4]


Golden Rune [5]


Golden Rune [3]


Golden Rune [4]


Golden Rune [5]


Golden Rune [6]


Toxic Mushroom


Toxic Mushroom


Toxic Mushroom


Poisonbloom x5


Miranda Powder




Miranda Powder


Grave Glovewort [1]


Grave Glovewort [2]


Grave Glovewort [3]


Page Hood


Page Garb


Page Trousers


Perfumer’s Bolt x5


Red Branch Shortbow


Bandit’s Curved Sword


Human Bone Shard


Bandit’s Curved Sword


Grave Glovewort [1]


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Godrick Soldier Helm


Tree-and-Beast Surcoat


Godrick Soldier Gauntlets


Godrick Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [1]


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Godrick Soldier Helm


Tree-and-Beast Surcoat


Godrick Soldier Gauntlets


Godrick Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [1]


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Heavy Crossbow


Godrick Soldier Helm


Tree-and-Beast Surcoat


Godrick Soldier Gauntlets


Godrick Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [1]




Brass Shield


Godrick Soldier Helm


Tree-and-Beast Surcoat


Godrick Soldier Gauntlets


Godrick Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [1]


Godrick Soldier Helm


Tree-and-Beast Surcoat


Godrick Soldier Gauntlets


Godrick Soldier Greaves


Smithing Stone [1]


Lordsworn’s Shield


Godrick Soldier Helm


Tree-and-Beast Surcoat


Godrick Soldier Gauntlets


Godrick Soldier Greaves


Smithing Stone [1]




Foot Soldier Cap


Chain-Draped Tabard


Foot Soldier Gauntlets


Foot Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5




Foot Soldier Cap


Chain-Draped Tabard


Foot Soldier Gauntlets


Foot Soldier Greaves


Smoldering Butterfly






Foot Soldier Cap


Chain-Draped Tabard


Foot Soldier Gauntlets


Foot Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Short Sword


Foot Soldier Cap


Chain-Draped Tabard


Foot Soldier Gauntlets


Foot Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Ruin Fragment


Sanctuary Stone


Pumpkin Helm


Smithing Stone [1]


Sanctuary Stone




Gilded Greatshield


Godrick Knight Helm


Godrick Knight Armor


Godrick Knight Gauntlets


Godrick Knight Greaves


Ash of War: Golden Vow


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Soldier’s Crossbow


Foot Soldier Cap


Chain-Draped Tabard


Foot Soldier Gauntlets


Foot Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Smoldering Butterfly


Strip of White Flesh


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Banished Knight’s Greatsword


Banished Knight’s Shield


Banished Knight Helm (Altered)


Banished Knight Armor (Altered)


Banished Knight Gauntlets


Banished Knight Greaves


Banished Knight’s Halberd


Banished Knight Helm (Altered)


Banished Knight Armor (Altered)


Banished Knight Gauntlets


Banished Knight Greaves


Crescent Moon Axe


Stormhawk Feather


Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]


Weathered Straight Sword


Commoner’s Headband (Altered)


Commoner’s Garb


Commoner’s Shoes


Glass Shard


Weathered Straight Sword


Commoner’s Headband (Altered)


Commoner’s Garb


Commoner’s Shoes


Glass Shard


Golden Rune [1]


Rune Arc


Golden Rune [3]


Rune Arc


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Golden Rune [1]


Golden Rune [2]


Warhawk’s Talon


Stormhawk Feather


Flight Pinion


Warhawk’s Talon


Stormhawk Feather


Flight Pinion


Warhawk’s Talon


Stormhawk Feather


Flight Pinion


Warhawk’s Talon


Stormhawk Feather


Flight Pinion


Warhawk’s Talon


Stormhawk Feather


Flight Pinion


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Raw Meat Dumpling


Living Jar Shard


Flight Pinion


Four-Toed Fowl Foot


Ruin Fragment


Sanctuary Stone


Human Bone Shard


Bolt x5


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Cat)


Smithing Stone [1]


Forked Greatsword


Imp Head (Wolf)


Smithing Stone [1]


Omen Cleaver


Soldier’s Crossbow


Exile Hood


Exile Armor


Exile Gauntlets


Exile Greaves


Stormhawk Feather


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smoldering Butterfly




Exile Hood


Exile Armor


Exile Gauntlets


Exile Greaves


Stormhawk Feather


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smoldering Butterfly




Smithing Stone [1]


Exile Hood


Exile Armor


Exile Gauntlets


Exile Greaves


Stormhawk Feather


Smoldering Butterfly




Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]


Exile Hood


Exile Armor


Exile Gauntlets


Exile Greaves


Stormhawk Feather


Smoldering Butterfly




Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]


Exile Hood


Exile Armor


Exile Gauntlets


Exile Greaves


Stormhawk Feather


Smoldering Butterfly




Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]


Soldier’s Crossbow


Exile Hood


Exile Armor


Exile Gauntlets


Exile Greaves


Stormhawk Feather


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smoldering Butterfly




Exile Hood


Exile Armor


Exile Gauntlets


Exile Greaves


Stormhawk Feather


Smoldering Butterfly




Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]


Exile Hood


Exile Armor


Exile Gauntlets


Exile Greaves


Stormhawk Feather


Smoldering Butterfly




Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]


Soldier’s Crossbow


Exile Hood


Exile Armor


Exile Gauntlets


Exile Greaves


Stormhawk Feather


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smoldering Butterfly




Exile Hood


Exile Armor


Exile Gauntlets


Exile Greaves


Stormhawk Feather


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smoldering Butterfly




Smithing Stone [1]




Exile Hood


Exile Armor


Exile Gauntlets


Exile Greaves


Stormhawk Feather


Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]




Exile Hood


Exile Armor


Exile Gauntlets


Exile Greaves


Stormhawk Feather


Smoldering Butterfly




Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]




Exile Hood


Exile Armor


Exile Gauntlets


Exile Greaves


Stormhawk Feather


Smoldering Butterfly




Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]




Exile Hood


Exile Armor


Exile Gauntlets


Exile Greaves


Stormhawk Feather


Smoldering Butterfly




Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]


Banished Knight’s Greatsword


Banished Knight’s Shield


Banished Knight Helm (Altered)


Banished Knight Armor (Altered)


Banished Knight Gauntlets


Banished Knight Greaves


Banished Knight’s Greatsword


Banished Knight’s Shield


Banished Knight Helm


Banished Knight Armor (Altered)


Banished Knight Gauntlets


Banished Knight Greaves


Banished Knight’s Greatsword


Banished Knight’s Shield


Banished Knight Helm (Altered)


Banished Knight Armor (Altered)


Banished Knight Gauntlets


Banished Knight Greaves


Forked Greatsword


Imp Head (Wolf)


Smithing Stone [5]


Weathered Straight Sword


Commoner’s Headband (Altered)


Commoner’s Garb


Commoner’s Shoes


Glass Shard




Toxic Mushroom


Melted Mushroom


Toxic Mushroom


Grave Violet


Sacrificial Twig


Ghost Glovewort [6]


Strip of White Flesh


Golden Rune [1]


Rune Arc


Golden Rune [3]


Rune Arc


Grave Glovewort [1]


Grave Glovewort [2]


Grave Glovewort [3]


Somber Smithing Stone [7]


Somber Smithing Stone [7]


Strip of White Flesh


Poisonbloom x5


Miranda Powder




Miranda Powder


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Raw Meat Dumpling


Living Jar Shard


Dragon Communion Seal


Toxic Mushroom


Toxic Mushroom


Toxic Mushroom




Miranda Powder




Scripture Wooden Shield


Human Bone Shard


Smoldering Butterfly






Human Bone Shard




Human Bone Shard




Human Bone Shard


Arrow x5


Human Bone Shard


Smoldering Butterfly




Omen Cleaver


Omen Cleaver


Omen Cleaver


Omen Bairn


Omen Cleaver


Omen Cleaver


Warped Axe


Warped Axe


Warped Axe


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Cat)


Smithing Stone [5]


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Fanged)


Smithing Stone [5]


Smoldering Butterfly




Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Long-Tongued)


Smithing Stone [5]


Aristocrat Garb (Altered)


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Raw Meat Dumpling


Living Jar Shard


Living Jar Shard


Great Omenkiller Cleaver


Great Omenkiller Cleaver




Rickety Shield




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment




Volcanic Stone






Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment




Volcanic Stone






Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment




Volcanic Stone


Spiked Club




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment




Volcanic Stone


Great Knife




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Bloodstained Dagger




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Omen Cleaver


Iron Cleaver


Old Fang


Longhaft Axe


Old Fang


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Golden Rune [1]


Rune Arc


Golden Rune [3]


Rune Arc


Glass Shard


Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]


Glass Shard


Glass Shard


Albinauric Bloodclot


Glintstone Firefly


Albinauric Bloodclot


Glintstone Firefly


Albinauric Bloodclot


Albinauric Bloodclot


Albinauric Bloodclot


Black Dumpling


Albinauric Bloodclot


Blackflame Monk Hood


Blackflame Monk Armor


Blackflame Monk Gauntlets


Blackflame Monk Greaves


Smoldering Butterfly


Fire Blossom


Volcanic Stone


Volcanic Stone


Man-Serpent’s Shield


Volcanic Stone


Magma Blade


Man-Serpent’s Shield


Volcanic Stone


Gelmir Glintstone Staff


Volcanic Stone


Strip of White Flesh


Smoldering Butterfly


Serpent Arrow x5


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Golden Rune [6]


Golden Rune [7]


Golden Rune [8]


Golden Rune [9]


Golden Rune [6]


Golden Rune [7]


Golden Rune [8]


Golden Rune [9]


Bloodhound Claws


Longhaft Axe


Old Fang


Iron Cleaver


Old Fang


Misbegotten Shortbow


Old Fang


Longhaft Axe


Old Fang


Golden Rune [1]


Rune Arc


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]


Glass Shard


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Godrick Soldier Helm


Tree-and-Beast Surcoat


Godrick Soldier Gauntlets


Godrick Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [1]


Lordsworn’s Shield


Godrick Soldier Helm


Tree-and-Beast Surcoat


Godrick Soldier Gauntlets


Godrick Soldier Greaves


Smithing Stone [1]


Pumpkin Helm


Smithing Stone [1]


Sanctuary Stone




Foot Soldier Cap


Chain-Draped Tabard


Foot Soldier Gauntlets


Foot Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Soldier’s Crossbow


Foot Soldier Cap


Chain-Draped Tabard


Foot Soldier Gauntlets


Foot Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5




Miranda Powder


Gravity Stone Fan


Gravity Stone Chunk


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Cat)


Smithing Stone [4]


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Fanged)


Smithing Stone [4]


Smoldering Butterfly




Forked Greatsword


Imp Head (Wolf)


Smithing Stone [4]


Cleanrot Knight’s Sword


Cleanrot Helm


Cleanrot Armor


Cleanrot Gauntlets


Cleanrot Greaves


Cleanrot Spear


Trina’s Lily




Foot Soldier Helm


Scarlet Tabard


Bolt x5


Weathered Straight Sword


Glass Shard


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Mausoleum Surcoat


Mausoleum Gauntlets


Mausoleum Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [1]


Flight Pinion


Four-Toed Fowl Foot


Turtle Neck Meat


Strip of White Flesh




Rickety Shield




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone








Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Spiked Club




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Noble’s Slender Sword


Aristocrat Garb (Altered)


Aristocrat Boots


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Glintstone Staff


Aristocrat Headband


Aristocrat Garb


Aristocrat Boots


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Old Aristocrat Cowl


Old Aristocrat Gown


Old Aristocrat Shoes


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones


Golden Rune [3]


Yellow Ember


Rune Arc


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Toxic Mushroom


Grave Glovewort [1]


Golden Rune [1]


Yellow Ember


Rune Arc


Golden Rune [6]


Lump of Flesh


Hefty Beast Bone


Old Fang


Gold-Tinged Excrement


Lump of Flesh


Hefty Beast Bone


Beast Blood


Land Octopus Ovary


Strip of White Flesh


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Grave Glovewort [1]


Guardian’s Swordspear


Guardian Mask


Guardian Garb


Guardian Bracers


Guardian Greaves


Tarnished Golden Sunflower


Weathered Straight Sword


Glass Shard


Yellow Ember


Glass Shard


Yellow Ember


Bloodstained Dagger




Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Poisonbloom x5


Miranda Powder


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Beast Blood


Thin Beast Bones




Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Thin Beast Bones


Budding Horn


Thin Beast Bones


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver


Great Dragonfly Head




Marionette Soldier Helm


Marionette Soldier Armor


Cuckoo Glintstone


Arrow x5


Marionette Soldier Helm


Marionette Soldier Armor


Cuckoo Glintstone


Spiked Spear


Marionette Soldier Helm


Marionette Soldier Armor


Cuckoo Glintstone


Golden Rune [1]


Golden Rune [2]


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Godrick Soldier Helm


Tree-and-Beast Surcoat


Godrick Soldier Gauntlets


Godrick Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [1]




Gilded Greatshield


Godrick Knight Helm


Godrick Knight Armor


Godrick Knight Gauntlets


Godrick Knight Greaves


Sliver of Meat


Beast Liver




Foot Soldier Cap


Chain-Draped Tabard


Foot Soldier Gauntlets


Foot Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5




Foot Soldier Cap


Chain-Draped Tabard


Foot Soldier Gauntlets


Foot Soldier Greaves


Smoldering Butterfly






Foot Soldier Cap


Chain-Draped Tabard


Foot Soldier Gauntlets


Foot Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5




Foot Soldier Cap


Chain-Draped Tabard


Foot Soldier Gauntlets


Foot Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Soldier’s Crossbow


Foot Soldier Cap


Chain-Draped Tabard


Foot Soldier Gauntlets


Foot Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Flight Pinion


Four-Toed Fowl Foot


Great Dragonfly Head




Kaiden Helm


Kaiden Armor


Kaiden Gauntlets


Kaiden Trousers


Rowa Raisin


Sweet Raisin


Frozen Raisin


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh






Glass Shard


Ruin Fragment


Rainbow Stone




Ruin Fragment


Sanctuary Stone


Slumbering Egg


Human Bone Shard


Bandit’s Curved Sword


Human Bone Shard


Bandit’s Curved Sword


Page Hood


Page Garb


Page Trousers


Perfumer’s Bolt x5


Red Branch Shortbow


Golden Rune [1]


Rune Arc


Grave Glovewort [1]


Alabaster Lord’s Sword




Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]


Smithing Stone [8]


Gravel Stone




Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]


Smithing Stone [8]


Gravel Stone




Smithing Stone [6]


Smithing Stone [7]


Smithing Stone [8]


Crab Eggs


Strip of White Flesh


Forked Hatchet


Imp Head (Fanged)




Smithing Stone [5]


Forked Greatsword


Imp Head (Wolf)


Smithing Stone [5]




Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]


Glass Shard


Knight’s Greatsword


Golden Greatshield


Leyndell Knight Helm


Leyndell Knight Armor


Leyndell Knight Gauntlets


Leyndell Knight Greaves


Thin Beast Bones


Beast Blood


Glintstone Staff


Aristocrat Headband


Aristocrat Garb


Aristocrat Boots


Ruin Fragment


Rowa Fruit




Erdleaf Flower


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Raya Lucarian Helm


Cuckoo Surcoat


Raya Lucarian Gauntlets


Raya Lucarian Greaves


Cuckoo Glintstone


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [1]


Smithing Stone [2]


Short Sword


Foot Soldier Helmet


Foot Soldier Tabard


Bolt x5


Foot Soldier Helmet


Foot Soldier Tabard


Smoldering Butterfly


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Thin Beast Bones


Lump of Flesh


Golden Rune [1]


Golden Rune [2]


Octopus Head


Land Octopus Ovary


Strip of White Flesh


Lordsworn’s Straight Sword


Brass Shield


Godrick Soldier Helm


Tree-and-Beast Surcoat


Godrick Soldier Gauntlets


Godrick Soldier Greaves


Bolt x5


Lordsworn’s Bolt x5


Smithing Stone [1]



Standard Negation
Slash Negation
Strike Negation
Pierce Negation
Magic Negation
Fire Negation
Lightning Negation
Holy Negation


Death Blight-

Gatekeeper Gostoc shows you the way into Stormveil Castle. Choose the gate or the side entrance.

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