
Xbox character controls


PlayStation character controls


Xbox mounted controls


PlayStation mounted controls


Character control breakdown

PlayStation Xbox Result
X A Jump
B Backstep/Dodge Roll/Dash
Y Event Action
X Use Item
Switch left-hand weapon
Switch right-hand weapon
Change sorcery/incantation
Change item
Left stick Left stick Movement
Right stick Right stick Camera movement/Change target
L1 LB Guard (LH Weapon)
R1 RB Attack (RH & 2H weapon)
L2 LT Skill
R2 RT Strong attack (RH & 2H weapon)
L3 L Crouch/Un-crouch
R3 R Lock-on/Remove target/Reset camera
Options Options Menu
Touchpad Change view Map
Hold △ + L1 or L2 Hold Y + LB or LT Switch between one-handed and two-handed left-hand weapon
Hold △ + R1 or R2 Hold Y + RB or RT Switch between one-handed and two-handed right-hand weapon
Hold R1 or R2 or L2 Hold RB or RT or LT Special charged attack

Mounted control breakdown

PlayStation Xbox Result
X A Jump/Press twice for a double jump
B Dash
Y Event action
X Use item
Switch left-hand weapon
Switch right-hand weapon
Change sorcery/incantation
Change item
Left stick Left stick Movement
Right stick Right stick Camera movement/Change target
L1 LB Normal attack to the left
R1 RB Normal attack to the right/Use magic
L2 LT Strong attack to the left
R2 RT Strong attack to the right
L3 L Dismount
R3 R Lock-on/Remove target/Reset camera
Options Options Menu
Touchpad Change view Map
Hold △ + L1 or L2 Hold Y + LB or LT Switch to left-hand weapon
Hold △ + R1 or R2 Hold Y + RB or RT Switch to right-hand weapon

Special controls

Jump attack

  • While jumping, press R1/RB or R2/RT to perform a jump attack

Falling attack

  • When falling, press R1/RB or R2/RT to attack enemies from above

Ladder attack

  • When on a ladder, press R1/RB to attack enemies above you, or R2/RT to attack enemies below you

Guard counter

  • Press R2/RT immediately after guarding against an attack to perform a guard counter that can break the enemies stance


  • Press L2/LT in time with the enemies attack when you have a shield with the Parry skill equipped to successfully parry

Critical hit

  • Press R1/RB after parrying, when behind an enemy, or against a fallen enemy to perform a critical hit

Precision aiming

  • With a bow equipped, press L1/LB to enter precision aiming mode, you can use ↑/↓ to zoom in and out

PC Controls

PC controls can be set in the options but in order to change the on-screen prompts so they show PC keys instead of controller buttons, see this quick guide.


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