Aeonian Butterfly A butterfly with withered, scarlet wings found in the Swamp of Aeonia. Material used for crafting items. According to myth, these butterflies were once the wings of the Goddess of Rot herself.
Albinauric Bloodclot The thick, coagulated blood of the Albinaurics. Material used for crafting items. Albinaurics are lifeforms made by human hands. Thus, many believe them to live impure lives, untouched by the Erdtree's grace.
Altus Bloom A golden-tinged flower from a succulent plant that blooms on the Altus Plateau. Material used for crafting items. Said to be a funereal flower in an era long past, before the Erdtree grew.
Arteria Leaf Dark red leaves with thick, swollen veins. Material used for crafting items. Exceedingly rare to find. A faint pulse can be felt in the veins. Stirs the blood, providing an enlivening effect.
Beast Blood Fresh beast blood, glinting with gold. Material used for crafting items. Found by hunting carnivorous beasts. This glimmering blood never rots or decays.
Beast Liver The fresh liver of a beast; a luscious fruit of life. Material used for crafting items. Found by hunting herbivorous beasts. Dried liver boosts damage negation.
Blood-Tainted Excrement The bloody excrement of a carnivorous beast. Material used for crafting items. Found in the land of the new dynasty. Mixed inside with half-digested flesh are dense colonies of tiny eggs of unknown but assuredly revolting origin.
Bloodrose Blood-slick roses that bloom in blood-soaked soil. Material used for crafting items. Particularly beloved by those who serve the Lord of Blood. Glory to his inevitable reign.
Budding Cave Moss Faintly luminescent moss that grows in dark caves, speckled with tiny, yellow flowers. Material used for crafting items. It is primarily used in perfumes.
Budding Horn A rarely-seen specimen of a young, budding horn. Material used for crafting items. Found by hunting herbivorous beasts. This horn began to sprout on a beast that typically bears no horn. Perhaps it's a vestige of the primordial crucible.
Cave Moss Faintly luminescent moss that grows in dark caves. Material used in crafting items. A fundamental ingredient for medicinal boluses.
Cerulean Crystal Tear A crystal tear formed slowly over the ages where the Erdtree's bounty falls to the ground. Can be mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick. The resulting concoction restores half of one's maximum FP.
Cerulean Crystal Tear A crystal tear formed slowly over the ages where the Erdtree's bounty falls to the ground. Can be mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick. The resulting concoction restores half of one's maximum FP.
Cerulean Hidden Tear A crystal tear formed slowly over the ages where the Erdtree's bounty falls to the ground. Can be mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick. The resulting concoction eliminates all FP consumption. However, this effect is only brief and will quickly expire.
Crab Eggs Eggs of large crabs which dwell in the shallows. Material used for crafting items. A nutritious foodstuff that warms from within. The flavor is exquisite. Only those of comfort and means know the truth: a crab's eggs are more delectable than its meat.
Cracked Crystal A cracked, impure, degraded, and altogether unremarkable crystal. Material used for crafting items. Widely found in crystal tunnels.
Cracked Pot This empty pot somehow mends itself when broken. Essential vessel for crafting cracked pot items. The materials and magics sealed within deploy their effects when the pot is thrown.
Crimson Bubbletear A crystal tear formed slowly over the ages where the Erdtree's bounty falls to the ground. Can be mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick. The resulting concoction automatically heals one's HP in the moment before death. However, this effect only occurs once, and will expire after a certain duration.
Crimson Crystal Tear A crystal tear formed slowly over the ages where the Erdtree's bounty falls to the ground. Can be mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick. The resulting concoction restores half of one's maximum HP.
Crimson Crystal Tear A crystal tear formed slowly over the ages where the Erdtree's bounty falls to the ground. Can be mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick. The resulting concoction restores half of one's maximum HP.
Crimsonburst Crystal Tear A crystal tear formed slowly over the ages where the Erdtree's bounty falls to the ground. Can be mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick. The resulting concoction gradually restores one's HP over time.
Crimsonspill Crystal Tear A crystal tear formed slowly over the ages where the Erdtree's bounty falls to the ground. Can be mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick. The resulting concoction temporarily raises one's maximum HP.
Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear A crystal tear formed slowly over the ages where the Erdtree's bounty falls to the ground. Can be mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick. The resulting concoction converts incoming damage into recovered HP instead. However, physical damage cannot be converted. This effect is only brief and will quickly expire.
Crystal Bud A young plant, crystalized before it could mature. Material used for crafting items. Widely found in Liurnia Lake.
Crystal Cave Moss Faintly luminescent moss that grows in dark caves, laced with fine crystals. Material used for crafting items. Among the mosses, it possesses unique medicinal properties.
Dewkissed Herba A herb that grows in the false night in and around the Eternal City. Material used for crafting items. Soaked in arcane dew, it gives off the faint glow of starlight.
Dexterity-knot Crystal Tear A crystal tear formed slowly over the ages where the Erdtree's bounty falls to the ground. Can be mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick. The resulting concoction temporarily boosts one's dexterity.
Erdleaf Flower A dusky yellow flower that has started to fade to brown, found throughout the Lands Between. Material used for crafting items. Said to be fed by leaves that fell from the Erdtree in days of antiquity.
Eye of Yelough A shrub fruit bursting with ripened pulp. Material used for crafting items. Grown in lands afflicted by frenzy, it's used for its pain-relieving properties... Though it's also known to be a dangerous intoxicant.
Faded Erdleaf Flower An Erdleaf flower that has faded to a pale scarlet, found blooming in rotten lands. Material used in crafting items. Said to be fed by leaves that fell from the Erdtree in days of antiquity.
Faith-knot Crystal Tear A crystal tear formed slowly over the ages where the Erdtree's bounty falls to the ground. Can be mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick. The resulting concoction temporarily boosts one's faith.
Fire Blossom A half-ashen and smoldering flower that blooms on the Mountaintops of the Giants. Material used for crafting items. Fertilized by the sparks from the forge at the peak where burns the flame of ruin.
Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear A crystal tear formed slowly over the ages where the Erdtree's bounty falls to the ground. Can be mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick. The resulting concoction temporarily boosts the power of one's fire attacks.
Flight Pinion Flight feather of birds. Material used for crafting items. Commonly used for arrow fletchings.
Formic Rock Rock formed from solidified giant ant venom. Highly acidic. Material used for crafting items. Found near Ainsel River and other places where giant ants live.
Four-Toed Fowl Foot A four-toed fowl's foot. Material used for crafting items. In the Lands Between, having three digits is seen as a bad omen. As such, the four-toed fowl's foot is a gift of great luck indeed.
Fulgurbloom Yellow flower that grows in lightning-struck lands. Material used for crafting items. Imbued with traces of lightning's essence.
Glintstone Firefly A firefly whose glowing tail has hardened into glintstone, widely found in Liurnia Lake. Material used for crafting items. Alas, now that its tail is glintstone, it can no longer beguile potential mates.
Glintstone Scrap Piece of glintstone tinged with unstable magic. Found in crystal tunnels. Break gem, using FP to produce a magic bolt. Poor quality and thereby easily broken, a sorcerer wouldn't give it a second look.
Gold Firefly Firefly that gives off a golden light. Material used in crafting items. Found near bodies of water close to Minor Erdtrees. The light of fireflies is believed to have an alluring magic. Golden light is considered to invite runes.
Gold-Tinged Excrement Someone's excrement. It has a golden tinge. Material used for crafting items. Often hidden in woods and thickets. Gold-tinged excrement is a highly stable substance; it doesn't dry out, nor does it lose its customary warmth or scent. For better or for worse, it remains as it is.
Golden Centipede The golden, desiccated remains of a centipede. Material used for crafting items. Kept as a fetish by Golden Order fundamentalists, especially the hunters of Those Who Live in Death. As such, they're found near churches and similar.
Golden Rowa A Rowa fruit tinted with gold. Material used for crafting items. Easily found near the Erdtree.
Golden Sunflower A golden sunflower that grows facing the Erdtree. Material used for crafting items. Found near Minor Erdtrees. At the foot of the Erdtree, they retain their color, along with a powerful holy essence.
Grave Violet A purple flower than blooms in graveyards. Material used for crafting items. The hue of ghostflame, it's believed to be useful in calling forth spirits.
Gravel Stone A small clump of sharp, pointed stones. Material used for crafting items. Such compound stones, found in lands once beset by ancient dragons, are said to be the scales of those very beasts.
Great Dragonfly Head Head of a large dragonfly. Material used for crafting items. Long believed to have the ability to neutralize poisons.
Greenburst Crystal Tear A crystal tear formed slowly over the ages where the Erdtree's bounty falls to the ground. Can be mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick. The resulting concoction temporarily boosts stamina recovery speed.
Greenspill Crystal Tear A crystal tear formed slowly over the ages where the Erdtree's bounty falls to the ground. Can be mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick. The resulting concoction temporarily raises one's maximum stamina.
Hefty Beast Bone Thick, solid beast bones. Material used for crafting items. Found by hunting particularly large beasts. Commonly used to make disposable weapons.