Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook [1] A record of crafting techniques taught by the capital's ancient dragon cult. Details techniques that harness lightning, the weapon of the ancient dragons. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Lightning Grease - Drawstring Lightning Grease - Lightningbone Arrow - Lightningbone Arrow (Fletched) - Lightningbone Bolt
Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook [2] A record of crafting techniques taught by the capital's ancient dragon cult. Details techniques that harness lightning, the weapon of the ancient dragons. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Lightning Pot - Roped Lightning Pot
Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook [3] A record of crafting techniques taught by the capital's ancient dragon cult. Details techniques that harness lightning, the weapon of the ancient dragons. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Dragonwound Grease
Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook [4] A record of crafting techniques taught by the capital's ancient dragon cult. Details techniques that harness lightning, the weapon of the ancient dragons. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Ancient Dragonbolt Pot - Lightningproof Dried Liver
Ancient Dragon Prayerbook
Ancient Dragon Prayerbook Prayerbook of the capital's ancient dragon cult. A lost tome that never reached the Lands Between. Contains red lightning incantations. Can be given to a learned cleric to gain access to the following incantations: - Ancient Dragons' Lightning Spear - Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike
Armorer’s Cookbook (5) Expands crafting repertoire
Armorer’s Cookbook [1] A record of crafting techniques left by an armorer who served the great general Radahn. Contains knowledge of dealing with rot; the application of fire in particular. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Fire Grease - Drawstring Fire Grease - Fireproof Dried Liver
Armorer’s Cookbook [2] A record of crafting techniques left by an armorer who served the great general Radahn. Contains knowledge of dealing with rot; the application of fire in particular. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Firebone Arrow - Firebone Arrow (Fletched) - Firebone Bolt - Neutralizing Boluses
Armorer’s Cookbook [3] A record of crafting techniques left by an armorer who served the great general Radahn. Contains knowledge of dealing with rot; the application of fire in particular. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Exalted Flesh
Armorer’s Cookbook [4] A record of crafting techniques left by an armorer who served the great general Radahn. Contains knowledge of dealing with rot; the application of fire in particular. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Redmane Fire Pot
Armorer’s Cookbook [5] A record of crafting techniques left by an armorer who served the great general Radahn. Contains knowledge of dealing with rot; the application of fire in particular. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Immunizing Cured Meat - Immunizing White Cured Meat
Armorer’s Cookbook [6] A record of crafting techniques left by an armorer who served the great general Radahn. Contains knowledge of dealing with rot; the application of fire in particular. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Preserving Boluses
Armorer’s Cookbook [7] A record of crafting techniques left by an armorer who served the great general Radahn. Contains knowledge of dealing with rot; the application of fire in particular. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Giantsflame Fire Pot
Armorers Cookbook 1
Armorers Cookbook 2
Assassin's Prayerbook
Assassin’s Prayerbook
Assassin’s Prayerbook Prayerbook of the Roundtable Hold's assassins. Can be given to a learned cleric to gain access to the following incantations: - Assassin's Approach - Darkness
Deserter’s Cookbook 1
Deserter’s Cookbook 2
Dragon Cult Prayerbook
Dragon Cult Prayerbook
Dragon Cult Prayerbook Prayerbook of the capital's ancient dragon cult. A text of the knights' faith that arose after the War of the Ancient Dragons. Can be given to a learned cleric to gain access to the following incantations: - Lightning Spear - Honed Bolt - Electrify Armament
Erdtree Prayerbook Scroll containing incantations. Can be given to a learned cleric in order to learn incantations.
Fevor’s Cookbook [1] A record of crafting techniques left by a man who was utterly captivated by St. Trina. He continued the search for her in his slumber. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Sleep Pot
Fevor’s Cookbook [2] A record of crafting techniques left by a man who was utterly captivated by St. Trina. He continued the search for her in his slumber. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Soporific Grease - Drawstring Soporific Grease - Sleepbone Arrow - Sleepbone Arrow (Fletched) - Sleepbone Bolt
Fevor’s Cookbook [3] A record of crafting techniques left by a man who was utterly captivated by St. Trina. He continued the search for her in his slumber. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Bewitching Branch
Fevor’s Cookbook 1
Fire Monks' Prayerbook
Fire Monk’s Prayerbook
Fire Monks’ Prayerbook Prayerbook of the Fire Monks, who came from the Mountaintops of the Giants far to the north. Can be given to a learned cleric to gain access to the following incantations: - O, Flame! - Surge, O Flame!
Frenzied’s Cookbook [1] A record of crafting techniques left by those afflicted by the madness of the flame of frenzy. Contains techniques discovered in desperation. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Clarifying Boluses
Frenzied’s Cookbook [2] A record of crafting techniques left by those afflicted by the madness of the flame of frenzy. Contains techniques discovered in desperation. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Frenzyflame Stone
Giant's Prayerbook
Giant’s Prayerbook
Giant’s Prayerbook Prayerbook that contains the secrets of the Fire Giants. Kept hidden by the prelates who monitor the Giant's Flame. Can be given to a learned cleric to gain access to the following incantations: - Giantsflame Take Thee - Flame, Fall Upon Them
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook [1] A record of crafting techniques left by a glintstone craftsman who served the academy. Contains information on "faux sorceries," such as they were called. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Cuckoo Glintstone
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook [2] A record of crafting techniques left by a glintstone craftsman who served the Academy. Contains information on "faux sorceries," such as they were called. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Freezing Grease
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook [3] A record of crafting techniques left by a glintstone craftsman who served the Academy. Contains information on "faux sorceries," such as they were called. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Albinauric Pot
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook [4] A record of crafting techniques left by a glintstone craftsman who served the academy. Contains information on "faux sorceries," such as they were called. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Magic Pot - Roped Magic Pot - Shield Grease
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook [5] A record of crafting techniques left by a glintstone craftsman who served the academy. Contains information on "faux sorceries," such as they were called. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Magic Grease - Drawstring Magic Grease - Magicbone Arrow - Magicbone Arrow (Fletched) - Magicbone Bolt
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook [6] A record of crafting techniques left by a glintstone craftsman who served the Academy. Contains information on "faux sorceries," such as they were called. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Freezing Pot
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook [7] A record of crafting techniques left by a glintstone craftsman who served the Academy. Contains information on "faux sorceries," such as they were called. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Coldbone Arrow - Coldbone Arrow (Fletched) - Coldbone Bolt
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook [8] A record of crafting techniques left by a glintstone craftsman who served the Academy. Contains information on "faux sorceries," such as they were called. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Academy Magic Pot
Godskin Prayerbook
Godskin Prayerbook Prayerbook bound in supple skin. Incantations of the god-slaying black flame are written within. Can be given to a learned cleric to gain access to the following incantations: - Black Flame - Black Flame Blade
Golden Order Principia Prayerbook of the Golden Order fundamentalists. A dense and complex academic treatise that contains the Order's fundamental principles. Can be given to a learned cleric to gain access to the following incantations: - Radagon's Rings of Light - Law of Regression
Missionary’s Cookbook (3) Expands crafting repertoire
Missionary’s Cookbook [1] A record of crafting techniques left by a man who, unable to become a Finger Maiden, instead became a missionary, and went forth to spread holy teachings. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Holy Water Pot - Roped Holy Water Pot
Missionary’s Cookbook [2] A record of crafting techniques left by a man who, unable to become a Finger Maiden, instead became a missionary, and went forth to spread holy teachings. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Scriptstone - Grace Mimic - Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot
Missionary’s Cookbook [3] A record of crafting techniques left by a man who, unable to become a Finger Maiden, instead became a missionary, and went forth to spread holy teachings. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot
Missionary’s Cookbook [4] A record of crafting techniques left by a man who, unable to become a Finger Maiden, instead became a missionary, and went forth to spread holy teachings. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Holy Grease - Drawstring Holy Grease - Haligbone Arrow - Haligbone Arrow (Fletched) - Haligbone Bolt
Missionary’s Cookbook [5] A record of crafting techniques left by a man who, unable to become a Finger Maiden, instead became a missionary, and went forth to spread holy teachings. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Sacred Order Pot