Quest Step |
Location (Click for Map Link) |
Nepheli is first found in Stormveil, from the Secluded Cell grace head out past the giant and down to the Erdtree Sapling, just past here to the left is a small room where you can find Nepheli, exhaust her dialogue here |
After defeating Godrick exhaust Gostoc’s dialogue |
Head to Roundtable Hold and speak with Nepheli near the Twin Maidens Husk, exhaust her dialogue here |
Nepheli can next be found at the entrance to the Village of the Albinaurics, speak to her and then defeat the Omen Killer |
Go back to Roundtable Hold and she will be downstairs past Hewg, speak to her and then go and speak to Gideon about her
If you have Seluvis’s Potion do not give it to Nepheli, either give it to the Dung Eater or Gideon |
Now you need to go back to the Chapel of Anticipation, you can get back here from the Four Belfries (Easternmost Waygate), Defeat the boss and head up to the chapel where you started your journey, a side door is now open and you can get the Stormhawk King and Stormhawk Deenh ashes |
Return to Nepheli and give her the Stormhawk King ashes, exhaust her dialogue after giving her the item |
To continue Nepheli’s Quest you need to defeat Morgott in Leyndell and complete Kenneth Haight’s Quest |
Go to the Godrick site of grace and reload the area, head into the Throne room and you will find Nepheli, Kenneth, and Gostoc. |
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