White Reed Armor

White Reed Armor Information

Stomach band of a land of reeds veteran warrior

Armor of the White Reeds, fashioned from banded iron plates.

Worn by the Inaba, head disciples of the great swordsman Okina.

The Inaba traveled in pursuit of not only the master who abandoned them, but also proper deaths, won honorably through hard-fought combat.

To be a White Reed is to seek death; fitting for the Inaba, who desired nothing more than to die by the sword.
White Reed Armor

White Reed Armor Stats



Slot: Body
Weight: 8.3
Sell Price: 200
Sell Price: 200
Poise: 17




Immunity: 67
Robustness: 42
Focus: 55
Death: 55

Damage Negation



Physical: 9.5
VS Strike: 10.2
VS Slash 11.4
VS Pierce: 8.8
Magic: 10.9
Fire: 10.9
Lightning: 11.9
Holy: 10.2

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