Sanguine Noble Robe

Sanguine Noble Robe Information

Robe of dyed black cloth featuring gold embroidery

Robe of dyed black cloth featuring gold embroidery.

Worn by the nobles who serve the Lord of Blood.

The grand metallic pattern on the shoulder is a signifier of the noble rank they intend to claim upon the advent of the new dynasty they are working to install.
Sanguine Noble Robe

Sanguine Noble Robe Stats



Slot: Body
Weight: 5.1
Sell Price: 500
Sell Price: 500
Poise: 10




Immunity: 50
Robustness: 21
Focus: 83
Death: 83

Damage Negation



Physical: 6.1
VS Strike: 5.3
VS Slash 5.3
VS Pierce: 5.3
Magic: 13.3
Fire: 11.9
Lightning: 13
Holy: 13.5

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