Raya Lucarian Robe

Raya Lucarian Robe Information

Robe worn by Raya Lucaria's magic scholars

Robe worn by Raya Lucaria's scholars of sorcery.

Those who dedicate themselves to the study of glintstones formed from starry amber receive this modest yet elegant deep navy garb after making their vows of virtue and austerity.

But with extended life, one is apt to forget old vows.
Raya Lucarian Robe

Raya Lucarian Robe Stats



Slot: Body
Weight: 4.1
Sell Price: 100
Sell Price: 100
Poise: 7




Immunity: 42
Robustness: 18
Focus: 67
Death: 67

Damage Negation



Physical: 5.3
VS Strike: 6.1
VS Slash 6.1
VS Pierce: 2.7
Magic: 13.5
Fire: 12.6
Lightning: 12.4
Holy: 12.8

Raya Lucarian Robe Location

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