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Winged Misbegotten – Bow/Dagger Leyndell, Royal Capital
Winged Misbegotten – Bow/Dagger Cave of the Forlorn
Winged Misbegotten – Bow/Dagger Miquella's Haligtree
Winged Misbegotten – Bow/Dagger Miquella's Haligtree
Winged Misbegotten – Bow/Dagger Altus Plateau - Golden Lineage Evergaol
Wisp [Tier 17] Consecrated Snowfield - Northwest Foggy Area, East of Yelough Anix Ruins
Wisp [Tier 17] Consecrated Snowfield - Northwest Foggy Area, East of Yelough Anix Ruins
Wisp [Tier 17] Consecrated Snowfield - Northwest Foggy Area, East of Yelough Anix Ruins
Wisp [Tier 17] Consecrated Snowfield - Northwest Foggy Area, East of Yelough Anix Ruins
Wisp [Tier 7] Siofra River
Witch-Hunter Jerren Academy of Raya Lucaria
Witch-Hunter Jerren Academy of Raya Lucaria
Witch-Hunter Jerren Academy of Raya Lucaria
Wormface Crumbling Farum Azula
Wormface Mt. Gelmir - Ninth Mt. Gelmir Campsite, Road of Iniquity, Volcano Manor Entrance
Wormface [Boss] – Altus Plateau Altus Plateau - Woodfolk Ruins, Minor Erdtree
Writhing Mass Volcano Manor
Yura, Hunter of Bloody Fingers Limgrave - Seaside Ruins
Yura, Hunter of Bloody Fingers Liurnia of the Lakes - Main Academy Gate, Academy of Raya Lucaria Entrance
Yura, Hunter of Bloody Fingers Mountaintops of the Giants - West Zamor Ruins, Grand Lift of Rold
Yura, Hunter of Bloody Fingers Roundtable Hold
Yura, Hunter of Bloody Fingers Limgrave - Artist's Shack
Yura, Hunter of Bloody Fingers Altus Plateau - Second Church of Marika
Yura, Hunter of Bloody Fingers Limgrave - Murkwater Coast, Murkwater Catacombs Entrance
Yura, Hunter of Bloody Fingers Liurnia of the Lakes - Main Academy Gate, Academy of Raya Lucaria Entrance
Yura, Hunter of Bloody Fingers Limgrave - Dragon-Burnt Ruins
Zorayas the Scout Volcano Manor