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Wandering Noble Liurnia of the Lakes - Village of the Albinaurics; Moonlight Altar - Moonfolk Ruins
Wandering Noble Limgrave - Waypoint Ruins
Wandering Noble East Limgrave
Wandering Noble Weeping Peninsula - Church of Pilgrimage, Demi-Human Forest Ruins
Wandering Noble Liurnia of the Lakes - South of Caria Manor, West of Ravine Entrance
Wandering Noble Altus Plateau - Road of Iniquity Side Path
Wandering Noble Capital Outskirts - Southeast Outer Wall Battleground
Wandering Noble Southwest Mountaintops
Wandering Noble Altus Plateau - Road of Iniquity Side Path
Wandering Noble Capital Outskirts - Southeast Outer Wall Battleground
Wandering Noble Consecrated Snowfield - Northeast Foggy Area, Inner Consecrated Snowfield
Wandering Noble Altus Plateau - Mirage Rise; Mt. Gelmir - Bridge of Iniquity
Wandering Noble Consecrated Snowfield - Northeast Foggy Area, Inner Consecrated Snowfield
Wandering Noble East Limgrave
Wandering Noble Weeping Peninsula - Church of Pilgrimage, Demi-Human Forest Ruins
Wandering Noble Capital Outskirts - Southwest Outer Wall Battleground
Warhawk Stormveil Castle
Warhawk Stormveil Castle
Warhawk Stormveil Castle
Warhawk Stormveil Castle
Warhawk Stormveil Castle
Warhawk Divine Tower of Limgrave
Warhawk Crumbling Farum Azula
Warhawk Mountaintops of the Giants - West Zamor Ruins, Grand Lift of Rold
Warhawk Mountaintops of the Giants - South Castle Sol, Snow Valley Ruins Overlook
White Mask Varré Limgrave - Church of Elleh, Stranded Graveyard Exit
White Mask Varré Liurnia of the Lakes - Far West Gate Town, North Rose Church
White Mask Varré Mohgwyn Palace
White Mask Varré Mohgwyn Palace
White Veil Perfumer Greyoll's Dragonbarrow - South of Divine Tower of Caelid, Deep Siofra Well
White Veil Perfumer Perfumer's Grotto
White Veil Perfumer Leyndell, Royal Capital
White Veil Perfumer Altus Plateau - Perfumer's Ruins, Unsightly Catacombs Entrance
White Veil Perfumer Perfumer's Grotto
White Veil Perfumer Leyndell, Royal Capital
White Wolf Limgrave - Summonwater Village
White Wolf Groveside Cave
White Wolf Weeping Peninsula - Tower of Return
White Wolf Liurnia of the Lakes - South Raya Lucaria Gate
White Wolf Moonlight Altar - Deep Ainsel Well
White Wolf Altus Plateau - Forest-Spanning Greatbridge, St. Trina's Hideaway, Sainted Hero's Grave Entrance
White Wolf Mt. Gelmir - Primeval Sorcerer Azur, Gelmir Hero's Grave Entrance
White Wolf Capital Outskirts - Outer Wall Phantom Tree
White Wolf Dragonbarrow Cave
White Wolf Mountaintops of the Giants - South Castle Sol, Snow Valley Ruins Overlook
White Wolf Consecrated Snowfield - Ordina, Liturgical Town
White Wolf Spiritcaller Cave
Winged Misbegotten – Bow/Dagger Morne Tunnel
Winged Misbegotten – Bow/Dagger Weeping Peninsula - Castle Morne
Winged Misbegotten – Bow/Dagger Altus Plateau - Golden Lineage Evergaol