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Giant rats plague the mines and caves of Limgrave.

More... Rat


A species that is unique to The Lands Between.

More... Rabbitgaroo

Poison Pod

Poison Pods are repulsive shallow-water creatures.

More... Poison Pod

Poison Flower

Don’t be tricked by their vibrant colors and pleasing appearance.

More... Poison Flower


Owls can be seen resting on the cliffs of Stormhill

More... Owl

Northern Mercenary

The Northern Mercenary is significantly stronger than your average soldier and should be approached with caution.

More... Northern Mercenary


The Noble’s of Elden Ring are dedicated soldiers who have lost their way.

More... Noble
Elden Ring enemies and creatures

Enemies and Creatures

The Lands Between is teeming with Enemies & Creatures. This is a list of all known foes.

More... Enemies and Creatures

Elden Ring Classes Overview

Details and information on the Elden Ring Classes.

More... Elden Ring Classes Overview
Guides - Elden Ring Control Sheet character PS5 PS4 1


A breakdown of the controls for Elden Ring

More... Controls
Elden Ring Lore


An introduction to the Lore of Elden Ring

More... Lore

Online Multiplayer

Information on Elden Ring’s Online Multiplayer gameplay.

More... Online Multiplayer
Elden Ring NPCs


Details and lists of Elden Ring NPCs

More... NPCs

Weapon Upgrades

How do weapon upgrades work in Elden Ring? In Elden ring there are two way to upgrade your weapon, the first is by using Smithing Stone Shards at the Smithing Table, this type of upgrade changes the Numerical Value of the Weapon (+1,+2,+3 etc.). The second type of upgrade is through Ashes of War, these … Read more

More... Weapon Upgrades
Elden Ring faq

Elden Ring FAQ

Check the FAQ to find out more about Elden Ring and common community questions.

More... Elden Ring FAQ


Details and information on all the gestures in Elden Ring.

More... Gestures


Crafting will play an integral part in Elden Ring. It’s been added to the game so the player has the freedom to roam and not have to worry about restocking materials. See a full list of: Crafting Materials Consumable Items from crafting More crafting information will be available soon and more items added to the … Read more

More... Crafting

Spirit Ashes

Spirit ashes are a new addition to Elden Ring that allows the player to summon the spirits of fallen enemies to assist them in combat

More... Spirit Ashes

Ashes of War

Details and information on all the Ashes of War in Elden Ring.

More... Ashes of War
Elden Ring spells


All the Elden Ring Spells and how they work.

More... Spells
Elden Ring Skills


All the Elden ring weapon and shield skills.

More... Skills
Guides - Prophet


Details and information on the Prophet class in Elden Ring including stats.

More... Prophet
Guides - Warrior Heading


Details and information on the Warrior class in Elden Ring including starting stats.

More... Warrior