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Pumpkin Helm

Pumpkin Helm Information

Oval helmet large enough to cover any head

An oval helm large enough to cover any head. Very heavy and very hard. Reduces damage from headshots and impacts. The inside of the helm is pitch black, keeping the crazed warrior within from panicking. Perhaps its rather roomy interior also helps alleviate feelings of pressure and claustrophobia.
Pumpkin Helm

Pumpkin Helm Stats



Slot: Head
Weight: 12.3
Sell Price: 100
Sell Price: 100
Poise: 11




Immunity: 27
Robustness: 42
Focus: 44
Death: 18

Damage Negation



Physical: 7.0
VS Strike: 5.9
VS Slash 6.7
VS Pierce: 6.7
Magic: 4.6
Fire: 4.7
Lightning: 5.2
Holy: 4.5

Pumpkin Helm Location

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