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Hoslow’s Helm

Hoslow’s Helm Information

Heavy helm passed down through the Hoslow family

A twin-tailed silver helm decorated with flowery adornments. Symbol of the head of the revered House of Hoslow. Juno Hoslow had a younger brother who was all talk and no trousers. His inability to commit to action was such that Juno inherited the Hoslow legacy without resistance, granting him the freedom to shower his little brother with adoration.
Hoslow’s Helm

Hoslow’s Helm Stats



Slot: Head
Weight: 5.5
Sell Price: 3000
Sell Price: 3000
Poise: 8




Immunity: 18
Robustness: 27
Focus: 11
Death: 11

Damage Negation



Physical: 5.2
VS Strike: 4.4
VS Slash 5.0
VS Pierce: 4.8
Magic: 4.0
Fire: 4.4
Lightning: 3.8
Holy: 3.8

Hoslow’s Helm Location

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