Haligtree Knight Helm Information
Helm used by Elite Knights of Miquella
Helm worn by knights sworn to the Haligtree.
Graced by a crown of unalloyed gold.
Increases faith.

Haligtree Knight Helm Stats
Stat | Value |
Slot: | Head |
Weight: | 5.1 |
Sell Price: | 200 |
Sell Price: | 200 |
Poise: | 7 |
Stat | Value |
Immunity: | 15 |
Robustness: | 24 |
Focus: | 10 |
Death: | 10 |
Damage Negation
Stat | Value |
Physical: | 4.8 |
VS Strike: | 4.4 |
VS Slash | 4.8 |
VS Pierce: | 4.8 |
Magic: | 3.6 |
Fire: | 4 |
Lightning: | 3.4 |
Holy: | 4 |