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Fire Monk Hood

Fire Monk Hood Information

Mail helm covering a headband engraved with flames

Mail hood of iron links covering a headband engraved with flames. Attire of the Fire Monks. The Fire Monks are guardians of the flame of ruin, forbidden by the Erdtree and said to be kept high in the Mountaintops of the Giants.
Fire Monk Hood

Fire Monk Hood Stats



Slot: Head
Weight: 4.0
Sell Price: 100
Sell Price: 100
Poise: 6




Immunity: 11
Robustness: 20
Focus: 9
Death: 9

Damage Negation



Physical: 4.6
VS Strike: 3.8
VS Slash 4.2
VS Pierce: 4.0
Magic: 3.1
Fire: 4.5
Lightning: 2.5
Holy: 2.5

Fire Monk Hood Location

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