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Crimson Hood

Crimson Hood Information

Hooded cloak of expatriated royalty

A hooded cloak of vivid crimson. Worn by expatriated royalty. Increases vigor. Such cloaks were gifted to those who departed on journeys without specific orders, to faraway lands from which they would never return. In other words, the gift of a cloak made it easier for undesirables to be on their way. Roderika never once saw the guidance of grace.
Crimson Hood

Crimson Hood Stats



Slot: Head
Weight: 1.7
Sell Price: 500
Sell Price: 500
Poise: 3




Immunity: 16
Robustness: 9
Focus: 27
Death: 29

Damage Negation



Physical: 1.4
VS Strike: 1.8
VS Slash 1.4
VS Pierce: 1.8
Magic: 4.6
Fire: 4.6
Lightning: 4.5
Holy: 4.6

Crimson Hood Location

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