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Commoner’s Simple Garb

Commoner’s Simple Garb Information

Crown of a rune cursed citizen

Garb with a modest cloth cape attached. Standard wear for commoners of the Lands Between. The board hung from the neck depicts a sprawling tree, its roots and branches forming two holes. This is a self-imposed shackle, a voluntary display of allegiance to the Erdtree that increases faith.
Commoner’s Simple Garb

Commoner’s Simple Garb Stats



Slot: Body
Weight: 5.1
Sell Price: 10
Sell Price: 10
Poise: 8




Immunity: 46
Robustness: 24
Focus: 76
Death: 83

Damage Negation



Physical: 4.2
VS Strike: 6.7
VS Slash 6.7
VS Pierce: 6.1
Magic: 13.0
Fire: 12.6
Lightning: 12.6
Holy: 12.8

Commoner’s Simple Garb Location

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